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I wake up to the sound of aggressive whispering. I whine in protest, burrowing into the closest person. It turns out to be Sam. he hesitates before wrapping his arms around me. I flick my ears and purr quietly as he toys with my now-short hair. I flick my tail as Tony runs his fingers through the long, fluffy fur on it. Bucky grabs it and starts using it as a pillow. I giggle as Nat bops Steve on the head and burrows into my stomach. Steve tackles Nat and starts tickling her. Sam laughs and rolls out of the bed, still holding me. I squeak and cling to his neck. Bucky gets up and tries to take me from sam. We all end up rolling on the floor, playfully wrestling. Well, the boys and Nat do. I hide under the bed while they fight over who gets to cuddle with me. There's a knock on the door and they stop wrestling. Steve opens the door and I see Clint's feet.

"I came to get you guys. We're going to the farm today. Where's Rayn?" they look around in confusion.

"They were right here! Where the hell could they go?" Everyone scrambles around, trying to find me. I giggle, sticking my hand out from under the bed and grabbing Sam's ankle. He screams and jumps away, making me break down laughing. Soon Clint, Bucky, and I were all rolling on the ground in a fit of laughter. We calm down a few minutes later.

"What'd you need, Clint?" he lays down and looks under the bed, where I'm still laying.

"I came to get you. Why are you under the bed?"

"Because I didn't want to get involved in the pile of squirming avengers." he smiles.

"They wouldn't hurt you. They're very careful around other people. The worst it would have been a forced cuddle session." I nod. "Anyway, we're leaving soon. Get your stuff packed. We'll be gone for a few days." I nod again, and he gets up. "The rest of you need to leave them alone. They need to get ready." they all mumble in agreement as Clint leaves the room. They quickly follow suit. I roll out from under the bed and start packing a bag quickly. after zipping it up, I sling it over my shoulder and make my way down to the common room where my mates are waiting. clint is sitting on the couch when I get there. he looks up at me and smiles.

"the others are already in the jet. we're waiting for you. tony's other wife, pepper, is meeting us there." i nod and follow him as he talks. a few minutes later, we're all in the jet together and on our way to clint's farm. i pull out my phone and start watching Naruto. 

---> Time skip <---

we landed about ten minutes ago, and we're all pilled in a van, singing random songs on the radio. we're all laughing and smiling as Clint pulls off on a dirt road. The scene changes to more open fields with a few trees. A decent-sized white farmhouse sits in the middle of the field. A few cars were parked in the driveway, and some children were chasing each other around. They spot the car and start running towards us, waving and jumping. Clint parks the car a safe distance away and gets out. The smaller two quickly tackle him. I figured out that the boy is Nathaniel, but the little brunette girl looks about five or six. Plus she looks like Tony, not clint. Tony gets out of the car too.

"Morgan! How are you, sweety?" the girl squeals as Tony picks her up and spins her around.

"Daddy! Put me down!" The rest of my mates were already out of the car, so I got out as well. I stand near the door, watching them interact with the kids and each other with a small smile. Two women come out of the house. Tony and Clint perk up.

"Laura! Pepper! How are you?" Clint and Tony greet their wives.

"Tired. But that's just a part of being a mother, and looking after you," Pepper sighs. She sees me leaning against the van. "Who's the new girl?" I grimace at the gender.

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