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"so, tell us about yourself, love," Loki says softly, and I scowl. Steve glares at him.

"Loki, if you say it like that, she doesn't have a choice. rephrase it," he says. I grimace at the pronoun usage. loki's eyes widen.

"my apologies, love. would you like to tell us about yourself, or anything you would like us to know" he amends apologetically, a knowing glint in his eyes. my eyes widen slightly in fear.

'damn, he's perceptive. I need to be more carefu- GET THE HELL OUT OF MY HEAD,' i scream mentally as I feel Loki try and read my thoughts and emotions. He winces in pain and massages his temples as I glare daggers at him.

"Here's something, unless I fucking say it's fine to be in my head, STAY THE HELL OUT," I yell. Loki flinches, and everyone else looks shocked. I freeze, realizing what I just said, and the tone I just used. I close my eyes and lean back against Steve's shoulder, waiting to be shamed, lectured, or slapped for my tone and words. I felt a hand touch the side of my face, making me flinch and turn away. I ball my hands into fists and swallow hard. I flinch again as Steve holds my small fists in his large ones.

"we're not going to hurt you. we just want to help," Spiderman whispers. I glare at him. 

"Take off the mask and I'll consider it," I growled. he immediately ripped off his mask, revealing...

"Peter Parker. why am I not surprised," I huff in exasperation. he gives me puppy eyes.

"you knew?!" he asks. i roll my eyes.

"it's not like it was hard to figure out," I gripe.

"Sweetie, we're not going to get tired and leave you, so you can drop the bitch act, alright? it's getting annoying," black widow cut in. "and call us by our first names, or nicknames."

"How the fuck am I supposed to do that when I don't know your fucking name," i grumble.

"It's Natasha or nat," she replies. I growl quietly. Steve removes his hands from mine and wraps his arms around my waist, allowing Loki and Peter to take my hands. I calm down slightly.

'My usual baits aren't working, why the hell not,' i think.

"Save that for the bedroom, sweetheart," tony smirks. i snarl, my pupils turning to slits and showing fangs. Steve could barely keep me down.

"IS THAT WHY YOU CAME TO FIND ME? TO HAVE ANOTHER LITTLE SEX TOY?" I rip my hands from my mate's, twist out of steve's hold, and jump out of the still-moving car. I roll to absorb the impact and not break anything, shifting into a fox as I do.  I hear the car swerve and stop, then doors slamming. I run to a bush and hide.

"where the hell is she? she couldn't have gotten far," I hear Tony yell.

"she wouldn't have left at all if you had thought before speaking, you dumbass," I hear steve yell back. they continue bickering about who's fault it was as they walked away.

thank god soul marks have no effect when I'm in this form

After a few minutes, I crawl out of the bush, sniffing the air.

okay, so my closest supplies stash is a mile this way. looks like I'm crashing at Zoey's again.

after about 15 minutes of making my way through the city, I duck into an alleyway and shift into a human again. using my slightly inhuman strength, I slide the dumpster away from the wall, revealing a hole with three black duffel bags. climbing the fire escape, I make my way to the roof of the taller building and start jumping from roof to roof, occasionally using a cable similar to spiderman's webs to swing. eventually, I get to Zoey's apartment, and I knock on the door. after about thirty seconds, her apartment door opens.

Zoey is in a black top with an emerald green cardigan over it, and black jeans, with her long blonde hair hanging past her hips and framing her paper-white face and blue-green eyes. she sighs when she sees the bags.

"What happened this time, darling? oh, your tail and ears are still out." my hand flies to my head to find that she is very much correct. shit.

"you say it so casually you'd think you have fox people over all the time," I grumble, following her inside.

"I do, actually. or do you forget how often you come here," she laughs. I huff and collapse onto the couch, dropping my bags nearby. 

"now, why don't you tell me why you need to crash here this time, love," she prods gently. I sigh as she pours the tea.

"Kay and Charles got arrested today," I began bluntly, without any emotion in my voice. she nods, clearly happy about this, but waits to say anything until I'm finished. "and met a few of my mates today." this time, she couldn't hold it in.

"Really? Rayn, that's incredible! why are you here if you know who they are?" I sigh and sip my tea.

"I have ten soulmates. two are platonic, but the others aren't," I say quietly. Zoey gapes.

"ten? that's-"

"an insane number to have, I know. but there's more to it than the numbers..." I pause and take a breathe to brace myself for her reaction to my next statement.

"...They're the avengers."

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