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I wake to the feeling of soft kisses and hushed arguments. whining softly, I roll to the right. I get several quiet 'awe's, kisses, and hugs as a response. Loki starts rubbing my back, so I burrow further into the crook of their neck, making him laugh. He smells like mint and books. I love it. I notice another one of my soulmarks is burning, so I open my eyes...

just in time for thor to walk out of the elevator. our eyes lock, and I close my eyes and snuggle back into Loki. and am instantly lifted into the air. I huff and open my eyes again, glaring at thor.

"Maybe introduce yourself before you pick up someone who is trying to sleep if you want them to like you, or talk to you," I grumble. He looks confused.

"My apologies, my lady, but you were sleeping on my brother and that is usually not a good decision if you want to live." Dear god, there are two golden retrievers.

"Why in the nine realms would I stab our soulmate," Loki mutters. I roll my eyes.

"Loki makes a good point. Everyone in the room is my soulmate," I explain. his eyes widen, and then he sets me on the floor gently. where I was immediately taken hostage by bucky. meaning, I'm being slowly cuddled to death by a very sexy super-soldier. Am I complaining?

no. not at all.

"Sorry," Thor mumbles. I smile a little.

"It's fine, just don't wake me up when I'm trying to sleep. Are you going to sit down, or are you going to stand there? As you can see, all personal space rules have been abandoned," I teased. I wasn't wrong. I was in the center of a cuddle ball, everyone touching someone else. It was kinda cute, the world's fiercest defenders, reduced to cuddly pillows by their mates. Actually, it was adorable.

"Actually, we need to work on getting Rayn moved into the tower. Which means talking to Fury," Steve interjects.

"Damn it stove. I don't wanna talk to people," I whine, wrapping my arms around Bucky's neck.

"We can cuddle after we get you permission to live here, doll," Bucky laughs.

"I don't wanna," I whine, burying my face in his neck. And then I'm yanked into the air by a smirking peter.

"PETER. Put me down," I squeal.

"Nope, sorry." I can tell he's not as he passes me to Nat. I sigh as she carries me over her shoulder into the elevator.

"Where are we going?"

"To my room. You're going to get ready, and I'm going to make sure you don't run off," she answers. I droop a little. It hurt to know I made them think I didn't want to be with them.

"I didn't run because I didn't want to be with you guys," I whisper.

"Then why did you," she demanded. I flinch. A tone like that was one I associated with pain.

"I- I was scared that you would hate me, or only use me as a toy," I whimper quietly. Nat says nothing, only walks out of the elevator as it opens. She stops in front of a door and opens it. She walks to the bathroom and sets me down on the edge of the tub.

"We don't hate you. We've never hated you. Do you have any idea how long each of us has been looking for you?" I look at my feet, terrified of meeting her gaze.

"Look at me, дорогие," she sighs. I close my eyes and don't look at her.

"I said look at me!" I flinch. She grabs my chin and tilts my head up. I whimper, expecting pain.

"No one is going to hurt you, дорогие. Especially any of us. We won't let them. So please, look at me." I open my eyes, still scared to meet her gaze. Her green eyes are full of sadness and pain. I flinch, making her lose grip on my chin. And pushing her over the edge. Tears spill out and run down her face. I widen my eyes in shock.

"Who hurt you this badly, дорогие? Why are you so scared to let people in?" I shake my head and look back to my feet. In response, Nat kneels down between my legs.

"Please, дорогие." I shake my head again.

"Telling you won't do anything. You can't get revenge for me, because they're already dead," I whisper. Her face laxes into shock.

"Who killed them?" I squeeze my eyes shut.

"I did."

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