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A/N: WTF 10K reads??? bitch did i read that right??? why does this book have so many reads??? ajfksdfejeauijdajuefipjadifefiuieaiusdj!?!?! anyways i got more piercings and a hair cut so picture.

A/N: WTF 10K reads??? bitch did i read that right??? why does this book have so many reads??? ajfksdfejeauijdajuefipjadifefiuieaiusdj!?!?! anyways i got more piercings and a hair cut so picture

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I'm cuddling with Bucky and Loki in a spare bedroom when the first kid peeks in. Loki and Bucky are uneasy around the kids, and so am i. so, we made the logical decision to cuddle. my ears twitch as the sounds of a small-ish child scuffling around fills the air. Loki and Bucky don't notice, so I try to ignore it. 

until the little demon starts whispering to another kid. 

I open one eye and see Morgan, talking to Nathaniel. I sigh. They stop whispering and Bucky and Loki stop playing with my fur and hair. 

"If you two are going to watch us, then do it in a way I can't hear you, please. I don't like being reminded that I should be in a lab, strapped to a table and covered in IVs and syringes," I huff. they step out so I can see them.

"We don't think that," Morgan says quietly. I smile.

"You might not, sweety, but other people do. I have a tendency to hurt the people around me. quite easily, actually. and that scares people." Nathaniel grabs morgan and pulls her back a little. my smile droops instantly and I put up a completely neutral face.

"Nathanial! let me go, you meanie!" Morgan fights to get out of Nathaniel's grip. She beaks out and runs over to me, and launches herself at me. I stiffen in surprise. Nathaniel runs off, and Loki closes the door with his magic.

"kid... what are you doing?" she laughs and hugs me tighter.

"I'm giving you a hug, silly. what do you think I'm doing?" I inhale sharply in shock. A few seconds pass before I wrap my arms around her tiny body. she giggles. "See? you're not a monster. you didn't hurt me." I close my eyes. I pull her closer to me and lean back against Loki and bucky, who had been watching us very carefully. I play with Morgan's hair, deep in thought, when I feel liquid running down my cheeks. I reach up in shock, to find that I'm crying. Morgan looks up and gives me an even bigger hug, making me laugh. I lean down and kiss her head. we lay like this for a few minutes before I feel her drift off to sleep. Loki and Bucky follow suit quickly after. I smile and play with her hair again. I hear a knock on the door.

"come in," I whisper loudly. the door opens quietly, revealing Pepper. she gasps at the sight of her daughter cuddled up with me and my mates. she runs off. I sigh in defeat. I'm about to wake Morgan when she comes back with Tony and a phone in her hands.

"Rayn. don't move," she whispers. I scrunch up my face in confusion. She and Tony aim their phones at us, and it clicks. I roll my eyes and make cute faces for the pictures as Pepper and Tony laugh. after they finish, they put their phones on one of the tables and join the cuddle pile. i purr as tony rubs my ears. i notice pepper staring a little bit, so i turn to her.

"you can ask, I don't mind. if I don't want to answer, then I'll say that" I smile tightly. she hesitates before asking.

"how do they work?" a very simple and un-emotional answer.

"the same way a fox's ears would naturally work. i can feel and hear from them." she nods, and i can predict her next question. "my senses are better than a human's because of the various experiments they did. basically, I'm a supersoldier with a tail, ears, and claws, that can shapeshift, and my senses are about ten times a normal human." she nods, and thinks before she askes her next question.

"Why did your parents send you to HYDRA?" i inhale sharply and close my eyes, considering my words carefully before answering.

"When I was fourteen, Kay and Charles forced me into telling them about my sexuality and gender. they didn't like it, and combined with my 'behavioral issues,' they decided that I needed to get snapped out of my 'rebellious teenager phase.' so they sold me to HYDRA. they told the scientists to do anything they wanted, as long as I came back 'straightened out,' not obviously different, or mentally handicapped. so i guess for money, and to get rid of my personality." she covers her mouth with a hand, and reaches out and grabs mine.

"I'm sorry," she whispers. I smile at her.

"it's fine. you can keep asking, I won't get mad unless you try and make me tell you something." she nods and hesitates for a while, before asking:

"what- what did they do to you?" 

i smile grimly and sigh, thinking about how to explain it with a child in the room.

"they experimented on my soul marks. they tortured me for information on my mates, even though we'd never met. They brought in a psychologist and figured out that knowing I had so many soulmates gave me strength. so they chipped me. they knocked me unconscious and planted a microchip in my brain. the chip sent out signals, making me physically incapable of defying a soulmate. part of the reason I jumped out of the moving car." she looks horrified, so I finish it off with happy news. "I found that certain vitamins block the signals and dissolve the chip, so I ate a lot of them. the chip is almost gone, so I don't need to listen to everything that they say." her face relaxes in relief. 

"and- you're okay?" I hum and smile at her.

"no, I'm not. but I'll get better. I'm already better than I've been for as long as I can remember." she nods, and pulls me into a hug. I hug back, careful not to squish morgan. i fall asleep to the sound of Pepper humming.

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