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Achievement unlocked: sleepy Red

Achievement unlocked: sleepy Red

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I lean against the cool bathroom door as their words run through my head

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I lean against the cool bathroom door as their words run through my head. I laugh quietly. I mean, it's all true, isn't it? my blood ran down my arms and to my elbows, then dripped to the floor. I lift my head out of my hands and examine the cuts on my wrists. deep enough to scar, but shallow enough to not be a problem. I sigh as I stand up. I walk to the sink and rinse off the dried blood before wrapping the cuts in medical tape. after I'm finished, I unlock the door and step out. silently, I climb into the vents and make my way to the living room, where I find my legal guardians, Kay and Charles, sitting on the loveseat and some of the avengers were standing in a semi-circle around them. my soul marks start to burn like crazy. I wince. slowly, all the avengers turn their heads to my hiding place in the vents. suddenly, the grate gives out, and I fall. I close my eyes and wait for the harsh impact, but it never came. instead, I get caught by very comfy, and very muscular, arms. I open my eyes and see Captain America looking down at me, with a sort of awe, and reverence. time slowed down as we made eye contact. I had the strong urge to kiss him but pushed it away instantly. I flail around and try to get out of his hold, surprising him.

"Woah, hang on a second, kid! you're going to hurt yourself,"  he warns. I glare at him and keep trying to get down. in response, he sighs and squishes me into his chest as tightly as possible without hurting me. he was comfy. and warm. I glare at the avengers around me, who look jealous of the Captain. 

Black widow was staring at me very similarly to the way the Captain was, but with more lust, and was less restrictive of her gaze. she was staring at my figure and noting every bump, curve, and angle. 'interesting,' I think, and tuck that piece of information away for later.

Iron man was not hiding any lust from his stare, and not making any effort at all to hide his blatant staring at my boobs and ass. I hadn't expected anything less from him. I noted that while his stare was blatant and obvious, I could tell that he meant no disrespect, and that was his version of a compliment to my looks.

I couldn't tell what Spiderman's face said, because of his mask, but I could smell his nerves and anxiety, as well as concern. it wasn't normal for people to try and get away from their mates.

Loki was being a complete gentleman, like the captain. he kept his eyes on my face, studying my facial expressions. his face didn't show any emotions he felt, but his eyes showed excitement, hope, and admiration. I felt my black, frozen, and cold heart, thaw. 

I soften my face from its harsh glare and sigh. I close my eyes and look up at the ceiling.

"Put me down please, sir," I say. the captain looks shocked.

"Okay..." he says slowly, and sets me on my feet. "you know my real name, why did you call me 'sir', miss?" I sigh.

"I'm sure you know mine as well. why do you call me 'miss', captain?" I say steadily.

"because it's creepy to walk up to someone you've never met before and call them by their name. please, call me Steve," he replies. I look at him in surprise. I hadn't been expecting a response. I smirk.

"Fine. i assume you came to take me to stark tower and live with the avengers," I say. Stark nods.

"Yeah. you can take anything you want, and we alrea-"

"No." everyone looks shocked.

"I beg your pardon," Loki asks. the confusion on his face is so adorable I want to laugh. 

instead, I respond with:

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instead, I respond with:

"I'm not coming with you. I want to retain some semblance of free will." they all look even more concerned than before. my legal guardians quickly realize they need to say something or risk getting exposed to the Avengers while they were in the room.

"she tends to be over-dramatic like this, don't pay it any mind. she likes to, ah, date around and not stay in a steady relationship," Kay laughs. the mood in the room immediately darkens. I close my eyes and wait for the pain.

"I don't know why you think lying to us is a good idea, but I suggest you stop," Steve growls. my eyes fly open in surprise. "we did our research before coming here. we know you sold her to HYDRA and had a microchip implanted into her brain. if we're right, she has every reason to not want to come with us, because she would be forced to follow our every request. Am I wrong?" I stare at him in amazement as my eyes water.

'is this it? am I finally getting out of this hell?'

'of course, my love. we'll do everything we can to get you out.'

I jump in surprise. I hadn't been expecting anyone to be in my mind. I glare at Loki. he smiles apologetically in return. again, my heart thaws. I shift my face into a soft smile in return, because I know he means well. they all do. 

Charles starts yelling about how they couldn't arrest him, they didn't have any proof, and blah blah blah bullshit. I hit a pressure point on his neck, knocking him out. they all stare at me with looks of approval before cuffing them and handing them off to lower-ranking SHIELD agents. 

after that situation was dealt with, I follow them to the sleek black car they drove to get here. there weren't enough seats in the car, so ended up on Steve's lap. he gives good cuddles, so I'm not complaining. I close my eyes and try to imagine what my new life is going to be like now.

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