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Rayn POV

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Rayn POV

I've decided that I hate my heat.

Everything is sore, sensitive, and overall painful. Plus the cramps that came with my period before I started taking meds.

Not only that, but my hormones are making me unbelievably horny.

And Stephen as well.

He's been incredibly gentle and kind, but I can tell. It's not really noticeable, except for the occasional make out session and boner. I feel bad, but I'm not ready for that. Stephen hasn't said anything about sex, so I don't think he has any expectations for it. It's sweet. I hate it when people coddle me, but Stephen has managed to find the fine line between respecting my boundaries and coddling. Part of the soulmate bond, I guess.

We hadn't talked about my outburst back at the cabin. Or the fact that Natasha had slapped me. He said that it's something we need to talk about with everyone. Having different standards and expectations for different people are what ruin polyamorous relationships. I tend to agree. 

I love my mates, but sometimes they can be a bit much. They'd freak out if I went into heat when they were there. They mean well, but it's smothering. Stephen mumbles something in his sleep and kisses the top of my head softly, pulling me closer. I smile and kiss his cheek. My ears twitches I hear someone walking towards the room. I groan as Wong opens the door. I glare at him.

"What do you want," I ask flatly. He huffs.

"What food do you want for lunch?" I blink in surprise. I wasn't expecting that. 

"Dino nuggets." He sighs. 

"You gen z kids are crazy. I'll bring them up in about half an hour."  I blink in surprise, but nod. I was expecting more snarkiness. 

Then again, he does deal with Stephen constantly. I snuggle into his chest,  leaning my head on his shoulder. I close my eyes and listen to the sound of his breathing and heartbeat. 

I shiver slightly as I feel Stephen's fingers slip under my baggy sweatshirt band trace patterns on my skin. I open my eyes to see Stephen's blue-gray eyes laughing back at me. I sigh and kiss him in response. He laughs and kisses me back, rubbing my nose with his. I toy with the ends of his hair as he continues to give me gentle, playful kisses. Deciding to be an ass, I wrap my arms around his neck, I pull myself flush against him, kissing him heatedly. I trail my fingers down his torso, making him groan into my mouth. I pull away, flicking my tail mischievously. My mate glares at me, his eyes filled with lust as he respectfully squeezes my ass. I swat his hand away, and he groans. 

He sits up and leans against the headboard. I kiss his neck  gently, and I get a few gentle kisses in response. I start to climb into his lap, but he picks me up and sets next to him. I smile internally, knowing I've won. Wong knocks on the door and opens it. I smile and nod at him as I take my dino nuggets from him. Wong looks between Stephen and I and shrugs, deciding it's not his problem to deal with.

I sit down at the desk Stephen has in the room and start eating. My mate smiles and stands up. 

"I'm going to take a shower, I'll be in the bathroom." He kisses my forehead and walks quietly to the bathroom.  I smile, know exactly what he's going to be doing. I start spacing out, while eating my dino nuggets for a good ten, fifteen minutes. Then I hear the bathroom door open. I turn around to see my extremely sexy mate standing in the doorway. 

In only a towel.

I swallow hard, almost choking on my dino nuggets. I rub my face with my hand to hide my blush. I turn to face the wall, making Stephen laugh. I glare at the wall. 

"Where the actual fuck are your clothes, Stephen," I grumble. 

"The dresser. Where you happen to be sitting next to." I glance to the side and realize he's right. I start to move off of the desk but fall off. Instead of hitting the floor, I hit Stephen's arms and chest. I turn bright pink as he sets me down. 

"I'm going to leave so you can get dressed," I squeak. He laughs and kisses me gently.

"You don't have to if you don't want to." I glare at him. He looks down. "Sorry," he mumbles. I nod and leave, taking my dino nuggies with me. I make my way down to the library. I push open the door, and Wong looks up at me. I unlock my phone and start scrolling through my TikTok. 

"What brings the mighty princess down from the bed?" 

"Stephen was being a horny asshole, so I came down here. Nothing bad enough that I need to beat his ass about it, though. Just mildly suggestive comments." I could feel Wong silently agree that I was reasonable in coming down here, so I keep scrolling and eating my dino nuggies while Wong reads in comfortable silence. I've made up my mind. I'm done taking shit from my mates. And I'm going to tell them when I see them again.

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