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"The fuck is wrong with your cloak, Stephen?"

"Nothing's wrong with it, it just likes you!"

"So I'm stuck up here?! I still haven't kissed all of my mates yet, I need to get down!"

"It's just jealous, it likes you. If you don't try and take it off as soon as you get down, it'll let you down."

"If it doesn't put me down right now, then that's exactly what's going to happen!"

"Alright, alright! Calm down-"

"HOW THE FUCK DO YOU EXPECT ME TO CALM DOWN?! I'm floating in the air, and the only thing keeping me from falling is a piece of fabric!"

"I'll get Tony in here! And he'll make you strip to make sure there isn't a piece of the cloak on you or some other reason. Cloak-" as soon as he addresses the cloak, it starts lowering me to the ground. Stephen sighs and reaches for it, but it jerks away. "Fine, you can stay with her-"

"Them," I chime. He looks at me, confused. "I'm genderfluid and non-binary. I use they/them pronouns so I'm not switching it constantly."

"That's fair. But the point still stands." I roll my eyes, smiling slightly.

"Whatever, Stephen. C'mon, my other mates are probably getting ready to murder someone if necessary. And I'd rather they not murder you." he chuckles a little.

"I'd prefer it if they didn't kill me as well." We walk in comfortable silence as we make our way to the meeting room where I met furry. I push open the door to one of the stupidest things I've ever heard.

"I am the master of the Rock!" Stephen and I look at each other, then back to the door. Tony was being an idiot, and we both wanted to see it.

"Well, I've got paper," bucky grumbles.

"And I have a sword," Tony responds.

"There's no sword in Rock, Paper, Scissors," Bruce interrupts.

"That is where you are mistaken. I am here to tell you the story of... ROCK! SWORD! FIRECRACKER!"

"I thought it was rock, scissors, paper," Bucky mumbles.

"You are wrong! The ancient game has been dishonored by scissors and paper. It is a mockery of the true art of the challenge. Shall I tell you the story?" Tony was in full teasing mode now.

"Sure?" I smile at Steve's confusion.

"If you wish to hear the story, you must say, "Yes, Master-"

"Fuck no." I snort at Loki's blunt response.

"Say... "Pretty please."

"Pretty please," Clint whines. True five-year-old.

"Come on!" 

"Fine. I will tell you the story. It all began with the rock," Tony begins."You mean like the wrestler?" I stifle my giggles at Bucky's confusion."No, the rock was a big fat lazy slob. But he was unmovable. He was a champion sumo wrestler because no one could move him. He won every match. And then he sent a challenge out to all warriors that no one could defeat him. So samurai and ninja from all over Asia came to fight him, but even a sword could not pierce his rock-like skin. But then a magician from a distant land came with a mighty weapon. A firecracker! No one had seen such a huge firecracker before. The magician faced off against the Rock. He lit the fuse and placed it at the Rock's feet. The Rock did not care. He did not think anything could defeat him. Suddenly, there was a huge explosion. They were screams and cries of pain. And when the smoke cleared, the Rock had fallen. Everyone stood quietly and couldn't believe their eyes. A few began to cry. The magician's laugh broke the silence and he pulled another, even bigger firecracker from his robes. The magician yelled, "I shall rid this land of the Rock forever!" He placed the firecracker next to the Rock and lit it. But then a young one, who was a big fan and collected all the Rock memorabilia, sprang into action. He snatched up a sword and "swish", cut the fuse, saving the rock from destruction," Tony finishes dramatically."Amazing," Clint clapped sarcastically."Great story," nat mocks, holding back a snicker."So I ask that you no longer dishonor the game with scissors and paper," Tony continues, bowing deeply.

"Okay..." Steve says slowly, very confused.


"Rock, Sword, firecracker!"

"Ow! What the hell, Barnes?"

"I have a metal hand, what did you expect?"

"For you to not hit me with it!"

"Literal children," I giggle.

"You have no idea," he mutters. I open the door, and they all stop.

"Strange! What are you doing here?" I look at Tony in surprise.

"It so happens that your mate is my mate as well, Tony," Stephen smiles. Tony gapes.

"You're serious?"


"Hell yeah!" I flick my ears in surprise, looking at the two men in confusion until Steve wraps one arm around Stephen's waist and kisses his temple.

"You're all mated to another?" Tony nods and leans on me.

"Yep. we might've been able to tell you if we'd seen your marks, but you weren't comfortable with that." I nod, leaning into him and enjoying the beautiful chaos of my mates loving each other.

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