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After I finished showering, I re-wrapped my wrists, covering the cuts and bandages with elbow-length fingerless gloves. I decided to go with a more dangerous look, dressed in black, with platformed, heeled, combat boots.

After contemplating for a few seconds, I hide my tail and ears and walked out of the bathroom. Nat was on her bed, reading. She looks up.

"Why are you hiding your fur, дорогой," she frowns. I look down at my feet.

"I didn't know how the others would react, so I hid them. I can let them out if you want me to," I mumble.

"Дорогой, they would be shocked, but not angry. With you, anyway. They should know," she explains. I nod and let out my tail and ears. Her face softens.

"Come here, дорогой." I look up at her. She was now sitting up, her book closed and on the end table near her bed. Hesitantly, I pad silently towards her, stopping about a foot in front of her.

"Sit down, Rayn," she sighs. I sit next to her on the bed. And then she hugs me.

"No one here will hurt you, дорогой. Stop being so scared," she whispers.


"No buts," she interrupts. I open my mouth to speak. "No buts, contradictions, or arguments."

"But-" she cuts me off by kissing me. It was sweet, gentle, and slow, but purposeful. She pulls back after a second, and I turn bright red.

"I did say no buts, дорогой," she smirks.

"I- bu- you-" I stutter, making her smirk.

"I'll do it again if you want," she teases. I glare at her for a second before getting an idea. I jump at her, catching her off guard, allowing me to tackle her. I end up straddling her hips.

"I think I like it better up here, doll," I smirk. She blushes a little. I lean down, putting my elbows on either side of her chest, and lay down on top of her. "Boo," I whisper, still smirking.

"Hi," she whispers, her blush intensifying.

"Still wanna give me that kiss," I tease.

"Absolutely." I smile.

"I thought we needed to get me permission to live here," I snark.

"Screw fury and his protocols, this is more important," she grumbles. I laugh.

"Prove it-!" in the middle of my sentence, she flips us over, pinning me to the bed.

"Gladly, дорогой," she smirks, and kisses me, Slow and gentle, but getting hungrier. I wrap my hands in her hair, pulling her closer. She moves her mouth from mine, sucking and biting as she worked her way down to my neck. After a few minutes of this, she pulled away, smirking at how flustered I was. 

"We should go back to the common room. The others will be wondering what's happened to us by now. Leave your fur on." she rolls off of me and starts walking towards the door. I sit up and follow her, hesitating slightly at the door. She notices and walks back to me and pulls me into her chest.

"You're alright, дорогой. They're not going to be mad," she whispers while rubbing my ear. I nod into her chest. She sighs and picks me up bridal style, carrying me the rest of the way to the elevator. I squeak and start panicking, so I shift into a fox on accident, making nat drop me in surprise. She sighs.

"Rayn, please." I shift back and hide behind her.

"Sorry, you surprised me. I didn't mean to," I mumble. I hear her sigh.

"It's fine, just try not to scare the boys." and then the elevator doors open, revealing Tony, Steve, Bucky, Loki, and thor.

"Hey doll, What you so... long..." he trailed off as he noticed my ears and tail, eyes flicking over the hickeys. "Why do you have fox ears?" That caught everyone's attention immediately. There was a flurry of action and noise as everyone rushed to see what Bucky was talking about. I squeak and hide behind nat.

"Guys! She's obviously not comfortable with it, back up and give her some room to breathe." She steps away from me and hands me a pillow, which I gladly take.

And bury my face in it.

I feel bucky wrap his arms around my waist and pull me into his chest, laughing. I whine softly, twitching my ears and tail. Bucky touches my ears, and I flick them away, making bucky laugh a little. Steve sits down next to us and gently strokes my tail.

"What the hell," he says incredulously. I peek up from the pillow.


"It's so fluffy and soft! Wha- why- how-" I giggle at his confusion.

"I groom my fur. Zoey would take me to a groomer to get my fur cleaned every 6 months or so," I answer, still giggling.

"Zoey was the girl who answered the door, right?" I nod.

"Zoey's great. When I needed to get away from my legal guardians, she'd let me stay at her place. She hasn't met her mate though," I chirp.

"Why would you need to get away from your parents, Lady Rayn?" i tense at Thor's innocent question. He's so sweet I can't get mad at his question.

"My legal guardians were... not the kindest to me. They sold me to HYDRA for a few years, and before that, it was verbal and mental abuse. That's where my ears and tail came from. Zoey would take me in because I couldn't take the toxic environment anymore." Thor is shocked into silence for a few minutes.

"I- I had no idea, my lady. I'm so-"

"It's fine, like you said, you didn't know. I had no expectations that you would." There was a moment of silence before Steve spoke.

"You wanna go see her?" I sit straight up and floof up my tail and ears.

"Zoey? Yeah! Can I? Please?" I start bouncing up and down in excitement.

"Hold up, are we just going to ignore the fact she had EARS AND A TAIL," Tony interjects. I flinch.

'Damn, I thought we'd moved on from this'

"She obviously doesn't want to talk about it Stark, and she said it was from HYDRA. What more do you want, a rundown of her trauma?" I give Loki a grateful look. I wasn't ready for a second flashback today.

"Fine. get in the car, I'll get Bruce and Clint. We're going to Zoey's," Tony snaps.

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