Chapter 30

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** Reid's P.O.V. ** 

I had a ton of missed calls and texts from Darcy, I know it had been 3 days since I've seen her, but I just couldn't tell her what I was doing, I couldn't tell her I was leaving, not just yet. 

"Reid" I heard Carrie's sharp voice split my thoughts 

"Yes" I snapped looking directly at her 

"Did you hear what I just said?" she spat 

"Yes, when we get the right intelligence on Mahaz Iqbal, we close in and commence with the extraction plan on the ground, we wait for air support, we then confirm if it's him then get the hell out of there before the drone strike" I mumbled in the exact words Carrie used 

"Good" she mumbled, clearly pissed off with my mind, it's not the first time my eidetic memory annoyed someone, I sighed to myself 

"Right we leave in 5 days, any questions so far? No? Good! You cannot tell anyone about this, not family, not friends am I clear?" Carrie carried on with the briefing 

"I want you to search into more intel on Farad Ghazi, I'll be back later" she finished as she walked out of the room 

I stood up from my desk and followed her to her office, I don't know why I was following her but I think for once I wanted to see if I could have a proper conversation with her, she seemed to talk to everyone except me and I finally had enough, I wanted an explanation 

I knocked on her door and heard a rough "come in" in reply 

I slowly entered the room as she looked up from her paperwork 

"What do you want Reid?" she barked 

"I want a proper conversation Carrie" I said firmly  

She looked slowly up at me, sarcasm intent on her face 

"What?" she scoffed 

"You seem to be absolutely fine with Peter, Max and Farah but you can't even look at me! What is your problem? Why am I such a burden?" I began to raise my voice 

"Are you 12 Reid? Do you want me to hold your hand through this?" she spat sarcastically 

"I want some fucking respect Carrie!" I shouted 

"Respect? Reid I don't give a fuck where you came from, or how fucking smart you are, because you're not with your precious Hotchner anymore! Here you earn respect and right now you're doing a pretty shitty job of it!" she said, her voice laced with venom 

I hung my head, she was right, I shouldn't have stormed in like that 

"I'm sorry" I muttered as I turned to leave 

"No, Spencer, wait" Carrie sighed "I shouldn't have had a go at you like that, look I'm sorry if I'm being a bitch but that's life Spencer" she said wisely "look I need a break from here, do you want to grab a drink with me" she offered, yet still kept a chiselled serious look 

"I'd like that" I nodded in reply  

We left Langley and drove to a small bar just 20 minutes away, we went inside and I bought Carrie and I a drink, this time I intended to take it easy and not end up the way I did the night I went out with Quinn. 

"Here you go" I smiled as I placed the drink in front of her 

"Thanks" she relied, still no smile! God does that woman ever let up? 

So after a while she finally started to open up and we had a proper conversation and she was extremely interesting and intelligent! She told me she was bipolar and that she had been put in a mental institution twice before by her own Agents! Then we spoke about Islamabad and what we were to expect. I decided then to ask her why she was so harsh on me. 

"It wasn't intentional Spencer, you're a nice guy, too nice! That was the problem! If I didn't toughen you up then Islamabad was going to be a real shock to you! It's a hard, cold place out there and you're not always going to have a team member there to hold your hand if something goes wrong, I guess I just wanted to test you the hard way. I'm sorry if I hurt you" she apologised genuinely  

"I understand" I nodded appreciatively for her initiative  

"Look, its late, I better get going" Carrie stuttered all of a sudden 

"Oh, uh, okay, let me drop you home, I didn't have much to drink" I offered 

"Sure" she nodded her emotions turning to stone once more 

We left the bar and hopped into my car, I turned to look at Carrie but she was staring blankly out the window. What was with that woman? I started driving and decided not to question her. I knew she could turn on me at any second and I didn't want to chance that! 

We pulled up at her house and I decided to walk her to her door. 

"Thank you for the drink" I smiled as she opened her door and turned to face me 

She looked at me for what felt like forever until she decided to speak again 

"Spencer" she started as she stood closer to me, she smelled so beautiful as her long blonde hair fell in front of her face and she swooped it back with her hand 

"Do you want to know the real reason why I've treated you the way I have?" she asked softly 

I nodded in reply 

"Because from the moment I first saw you I knew I had to have you, but Quinn warned me, he told me that I had to stop, but I can't Spencer, I physically just can't" she whispered sounding almost tortured 

This came as such a huge shock but for some reason I did not repel, for some strange reason I was enticed by her, her very nature 

"I had to treat you harshly for my own good, my own sanity" she looked deep into my eyes 

Instinctively, without my brain even registering what was going on I placed the palm of my hand on her face and gently caressed her cheek with my thumb 

And for the first time since I met her 

She smiled 

I laughed to myself and in the beauty of the moonlight I whispered to myself "you're so beautiful" 

I thought she might not have heard but she did and her smile grew bigger 

"What are you laughing at?" she asked softly 

"You have the most beautiful smile" I replied gently, my palm still placed on her cheek 

She placed her hand over mine and just by natural force I slowly leaned towards her and gently placed my lips onto hers 

I don't think I ever wanted to kiss another woman after meeting Carrie Matheson


HIIIII EVERYONE, so this is a longer chapter! ITS CHAPTER 30!! Ahhh!!! anyway thank you guys for everything and PLEASE PLEASE dont be afraid to comment and share

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