Chapter 15

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** JJ's P.O.V. ** 

When I had woke up I almost forgot where I was. When I turned to see who was beside me I almost jumped from the bed. 

"Spencer" I whispered 

He groaned a little (which was kinda sexy I'm not going to lie) as he turned to face me. His bedhead was almost even more beautiful than he is during the day. 

"Hey Jaydge" he grinned 

"No Spencer, don't 'hey Jaydge' me, you have to leave!" I said in a panic as I jumped from the bed 

He stood up in only his boxers and strode towards me putting his hands on my shoulders trying to relax me 

"Jennifer what's wrong?" He asked concerned  

"Look Spencer" I said finally taking deep breaths "last night shouldn't have happened, you shouldn't have turned back and I shouldn't have provoked you, I had a little too much to drink before you came over. This can't happen again" I said as quickly as I could spit it out but I regretted it straight away when I saw the look on his face 

"Yea your right" he mumbled as he pulled up his pants, hung his head and walked out of the room 

I breathed a heavy sigh and pressed my back against the door as Spencer closed it behind him. I slid my back down until I was sitting on the floor questioning every decision I had just made. 

** Kelsey's P.O.V. ** 

I sat in my room in Quantico still trying to process everything that had happened in the last 48 hours. I've just been given a job by the F.B.I!  

'shit Jacob' I said to myself, completely forgetting I hadn't heard from him in over a week! 

I picked up my cell phone off the desk and tried to get through to him 

"Hello" I heard a raspy voice answer over the phone 

"Jake is that you?" I questioned uncertainly 

"Hey Kels" Jacob sound hoarse, like he hadn't slept in weeks 

"Jake where are you? I've been worried sick! You just disappeared and never told anyone where you were going, you wouldn't even answer my calls!" I said in an exasperated tone 

"Sorry Kels, I had trouble at home and I needed to clear my head and get away for a few days" he cleared his throat 

"Please come home soon baby, I miss you and I've got some big news too!" I smiled to myself 

"Okay, I'll be back in a couple days alright?" He replied 

"Okay, see you soon" I whispered 

"I love you" he whispered back before the line went dead 

I pulled out my laptop and pulled up the only file I had saved from hacking the F.B.I's systems. It was about their Agent, Darcy Blake, something struck me about her and I never got to fully read the file. Although as soon as I started I wish I never had found them in the first place. 

** JJ's P.O.V. ** 

I heard Spencer open the door to leave and in the flash of a second I flung open the door and jumped the stairs two at a time. 

"Spencer wait!" I yelled as he walked down the pavement 

He stopped dead and turned to look at me. Sadness piercing his chocolate brown eyes. I ran towards him and locked my lips onto his as he pulled my hips closer as I wrapped my arms around his neck. I didn't care who saw, all I knew was I needed this man in my life! 

"I need you" I whispered breathlessly as he let me go 

"I need you too" he sighed with happiness 

"Come back inside" I smiled as I took his hand and lead him back in 

"So what do we do now?" Spencer questioned 

"I need some time to sort things out with Will and until then we have to keep this quiet" I replied seriously 

"Sounds good to me" he smiled as he kissed me on the cheek 

His phone suddenly buzzing was the only thing stopping me from throwing myself at him 

"We've got a case" he sighed stepping back and fixing his shirt 

"Of course we do" I sighed sarcastically as I left the room to get ready

Searching For Answers (We Can Make This Work sequel)Where stories live. Discover now