Author's Note

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Well here we are at the end once more! I can't believe i've gotten 110 chapters in a combined 2 parts with an accumulated 34k reads from this story. I know that certain situations can sometimes be far fetched through out but these books were a way of letting my imagination run wild, whether it made sense or not! But I hope you all enjoyed reading them and I thank you sincerely for all your kind comments and for voting! I hope you will stay with me for one last book to make this a trilogy!

Its called Blank Canvas, and basically it's veering away from Criminal Minds and it will now follow our new protagonist Kate Beckett, an NYPD detective with a turbulent past and an even more frightening future! This book is based on the amazing TV show Castle, it will have pretty much the same characters but with my twist on it. I hope to have the first part posted during the Christmas break and i hope you all take a look and share!


- Sinéad 

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