Chapter 31

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** Darcy's P.O.V. ** 

When JJ and I had finished at the crime scene we drove back to Quantico to see what the rest of the team had found. Before the briefing started I walked to kitchen to grab a cup of coffee before we began. Derek was at the sink with his back to me. 

"Hi Derek" I said hesitantly as I flicked the switch on the kettle to boil 

He turned to face me but didn't say a word, his cold grimace said everything 

"Look Derek" I began with a sigh 

"No!" he rebuked sharply "You look Darcy!" he said in a strained tone, trying to hold back what he was feeling 

"What were you thinking? That you could leave us, your friends, your family, your husband and son for god sake?! Darcy we would have protected you from Casper, we could have caught the son of a bitch! He was right under our noses!" Derek's eyes began to water 

"But you didn't did you?" I began to raise my voice "You let him keep my son! You stopped looking, you stopped trying Derek" I said in a high pitched strain as I felt my own eyes water 

"And you left" he growled 

"I had no choice!" I screamed 

"Darcy, I watched you grow here, I walked you down the aisle! For what? To be slapped in the face and told my best friend is dead! Her husband has a breakdown and her son is missing! Because that's what you left us with Darcy! That's the mess we had to clean up" he whispered in a sob 

I looked away knowing he was right, knowing that there was another way to deal with Casper but I was weak and scared and the only thing I could do was run 

"And now you walk back into our lives and I'm afraid to trust you, because I don't think I could take it if you left again" Derek sobbed 

"I'm never leaving Derek" I whispered as I walked towards him and wrapped my arms around him "I promise I will never run away, I'm not afraid anymore" I sobbed 

Morgan hugged me back and buried his head in my shoulders 

"I promise" I whispered one last time 

Then JJ entered and I lifted my head to see 

"Darcy" she said with a look of sheer worry 

"What is it JJ?" I cocked my head in confusion 

"It's Jacob" she whispered

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