Chapter 60

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** Darcy's P.O.V. **

Gosh how time flies! Just last month I finally graduated college and I am now a qualified human rights attorney. I, and 3 others from my class, are starting up our own firm and soon enough we will be taking, hopefully, the first of many cases to come. Just last week we celebrated Kate's 5th birthday and she just started school this September. She has grown so much in these last 3 years, she is such a bright and amazing child with a big future ahead of her. Jacob and Kelsey's little boy Blake just turned 3 years old. He is the most beautiful little boy, what with his chocolate brown hair and piercing blue eyes he is sure to be a heartbreaker. Once I graduated and Kate started school, Aaron picked up more days in the Bureau. That man will live his dying breath in that office.

"Morning Annie, how's things?" I gave a small wave as I entered the office to start the day at the firm

"Hey Darce, looks like you got your first case" Annie, the receptionist, beamed

"Oh great!" I smiled enthusiastically as I picked up the documents from atop her desk

"Thanks Annie" I gave a smile as I walked towards my office

I placed my things at the desk and sat to begin reading the case files and information. It was a case the people of the Brooklyn projects had filed against the state. Drug pushing, prostitution and gang violence was at an all-time high and there was nowhere near enough police canvasing to keep the families inhabiting the area safe. Hopefully this one wasn't going to be too difficult. The court date is in three weeks so I have to get my homework done!

The clock hits 5 o' clock and it's time to head home. On the way home I collected Kate from her babysitter's home and picked up some groceries for the dinner. It was strange being back to work, being in a normal routine. It also wasn't easy having a 5 year old and a husband who spent all his time in work. But I love what I do and I'm starting to get used to it already.

I drove home and sat down with Kate to do her homework and prepare dinner. Another day another dollar I guess.


3 weeks came and went and I finally took on my first case, however it turned out completely different than I ever thought. This case was so twisted, so bound by corruption that it would never be settled in one case. I decided to silently work on it at home, every evening after I put Kate to bed I would go into my office where I had set up a timeline across the wall and I would sit for hours sifting through case file after case file trying to find some fraction of evidence or something to point me in the right direction. In the meantime, life carried on as usual, I took other cases and was successful with them all, but this, this one case, would haunt me for the rest of my life.


7 years later, after countless cases, I decided to throw in the towel I was getting old and I wanted to focus more on Kate, she is 12 years old now and almost ready to start High School, these years have passed so quickly. Aaron retired from the Bureau last year and was finding it hard to stay at home with nothing to do so he volunteered his time giving talks at the Academy and Universities around the U.S.

I wasn't ready to retire just yet however. I needed to finish the case I started 7 years ago, I needed to put those monsters behind bars, and I needed to figure out the most important piece of the puzzle, who, in the NYPD, has infiltrated themselves into this mess?

How could that even be possible? How could I get access to their files? Their employees? Their records? It was impossible. But I couldn't stop, not now, not after all these years, the long nights, the weekends. I missed one of Kate's birthdays just because I thought I had a lead! I wasn't about to stop now.

Searching For Answers (We Can Make This Work sequel)Where stories live. Discover now