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The celebration continued without the couple interaction, Tzuyu tried her best to avoid him and his deadly stares. She was hurt inside, he really kissed her unnie making her broken.

She stayed beside Jungkook and Suga, she felt safe with them. Meanwhile Jungkook noticed how Tzuyu acting different like she is having a hard time but he didn't dare to ask.

They are disturbed by a phone call from Sana's phone. They are asked to go and meet the producer of the drama in this late night.

" Oppa... we need to go..." Sana told Taehyung but he was still looking at the certain person.

He was mad and went out without waiting for Sana, he was trying his best not to pulled Tzuyu from them. He was jealous on how Tzuyu act infront of them, she was sweet and act prettily.

Tzuyu was holding her tears, she didn't know how many times she was hurt just this night. She can't imagine her boyfriend acting with other girls, the worst scenario is what if they have kissing scenes.

The elders start to drink, even Jimin was observing Tzuyu. He understand her and he feel bad.

" Unnie can I drink?" She innocently asked, they all look at her and she acts cutely to get their yes.

" Are you serious?" Jihyo asked her

" It is just I just want to try it... just this time... can I?" She give her a puppy eyes hoping that she will allowing her.

" Nothing is wrong... and we are having a fun... right..." Suga told them convincing the girls to allow her drink.

" Okay.. okay.. just this time..." She was very happy when they said yes.

She drink with them like it's not her first time.

Jimin informed Taehyung about Tzuyu drinking an alcohol. He really want to leave the meeting and go back at the dorm to look for her and stop her from drinking but he can't.

The rest are now drunk and asleep, the only left was Tzuyu and Jimin.

" That's enough Tzuyu.." Jimin tried to stop her but she just cried again. She was crying when they are already alone and Jimin was just comforting her.

" I'm hurt....I'm really hurt..." Tzuyu said and Jimin look at her pitily.

" don't cry you look ugly..." Jimin teases her but she cried again.

" I know... that's why he don't want me... I'm not that pretty..." She was crying like a child.

Jimin has nothing to do but to comfort her.

When Sana and Taehyung was done they immediately went to the dorm but disappointed to see that everyone was already asleep.

" Oh... I missed the fun.." Sana said looking at Jimin who was still awake.

" Yeah... they did it fastly..." He answered her.

" I'm gonna sleep..." Sana said to them, Taehyung just nodded at her. He met Jimin's eyes asking if where is she.

Tzuyu went to the comfort room for a while.

When Sana was already on her room, Taehyung asked Jimin immediately.

" She went to the comfort room.. she was drunk... and crying the whole time.." Jimin honestly said

" Why did you let her drink.. she still can't..." He scolded the older one

" I know...but they let her... and I think she also need it..." Jimin

While they are in the middle of their conversation Tzuyu came back. Taehyung went to support her immediately because she was not walking normally.

" I can manage.." Tzuyu said pulling herself from him and went to Jimin to grab another drink.

Taehyung was not in the mood and he was mad already and Tzuyu was not helping.

" Tzuyu.. you should stop drinking.." He said trying to cool down but Tzuyu was hard headed.

" I think you need to talk... but not here...." Jimin interrupted them.

Tzuyu was not on her right mind anymore.

" Tzuyu stop it..." Jimin was now the one who is stopping her.

" We can't do this... get her away from the alcohol... I will cover you up... just don't do ridiculous things." Jimin said

Taehyung planned on bringing her to his place for them to talk when Tzuyu was on her right mind.

When they reached his place, Taehyung let her sleep on his bed. Just a few minutes passed and Tzuyu was already asleep.

He stared at her the whole time, busy appreciating her visual.

" You are mine." He said and give her a peck before leaving her and sleep on the guest room.


A call interrupted Tzuyu beauty sleep and as she opened her eyes she knows she was not on her bed. The style was familar to her and she already knows basing on the fragrance.

She was wondering how did she go there, her head was aching because of hangover. She saw the caller and it was her PA asking her whereabouts.

" Tzuyu, they are asking me if you are with me... tell me where are you?" She asked her.

" Unnie please.. tell them I spent my night in your place... I will tell you later.."

At first she cannot convinced her PA to lie but at last she agree.

When she heard that someone is coming she close again her eyes pretending to sleep.

" Breakfast is ready.. I know you are up.." His deep voice sound demanding

Tzuyu was embarrassed and kept on pretending.

Taehyung sighs and removed the thick blanket covering her.

" I'm not hungry.." Tzuyi said

" stop making hard for me... I prepared this for you... so you must eat.." He said again in his scary voice. Tzuyu was scared and she got up, the food was her favorite but she need to act like she hate him.

" I'm fine.. and I need to go..." Tzuyu was up now fixing her messy hair.

Taehyung was staring at her, he want to scold him but it might make the situation worst.

" Tzuyu... just eat... we need to talk later.." He finally said and he pulled Tzuyu making her sit to the bed.

" Listen... you didn't eat last night.. and you drink.. that's not good for your body.." He tells her with concern face scooping a food and giving it to her.

Tzuyu was touched but she need to act tough, she was hurt by him.

" I can eat by my self.." she said and she get the spoon from him.

She was hungry and she didn't notice that she was enjoying the food he served. Taehyung was just watching her the whole time sighing, Tzuyu was cold towards him.

--- to be continued ---

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