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     The couple settled and decided to talk about their relationship after Tzuyu was done eating.

   " I think it's the best for us to stop this...." Tzuyu started

    " What do you mean?"

  " this.. relationship... I'm already tired lying to my unnies..."

    " That's non sense then let's tell them... we don't need to stop this." He was now starting on getting mad.

    " No way.. we can't tell them and besides you need to focus on your work.. the drama....with Sana unnie.." She bitterly said

     " Are you jealous? I thought you trust me....  " Taehyung asked her

    " I'm not jealous.. it was just I'm tired of it... I feel like I'm the only one making effort... I texted and called you but you never did something just to inform me if you are okay.. I feel useless... I'm your girlfriend right? But why?"

  " You know my work Tzuyu.. and you know that it is my dream to lead in a  drama... why can't you understand that?" He lost his temper and shouted at her.

    He instantly regretted what he did when he saw her surprise reaction.

   " Oh... I'm sorry.. I forgot that you are a big star.. and sorry.. for being your girlfriend...." Tzuyu said in her low tone.

    " Uh.. correction your ex girlfriend... from now on.. let's pretend this never happened.. you can forget me I don't care..." She said and she rushed to go out from his place.

   Before he can apologize Tzuyu was already disappear, she rode a cab.

     He punched the wall out of his anger, he blamed himself for making her cry.

    One person witnessed their big fight, it was Jimin.

    He help Taehyung to fix himself.

  " I told you she was hurt." Jimin says while he was cleaning his wounds.

   " I thought it was okay... I didn't know that I assured so much...without thinking of her situation..." Taehyung was now crying.

  Jimin called their manager that Taehyung cannot come to their schedule because he was not feeling well.

   " Give her more time... don't stress her... she was hurt deeply." Jimin advise him before leaving.

    On the other hand Tzuyu didn't go to their scheduled work, she was not on her right mind. She went to her place, her PA was the one who delivered the message of her not going on work.

    This makes her unnies worried and they called her one by one to asked how is she.

    She cried the whole day, she didn't even eat and sleep. She was deeply hurt by the person she loves the most.

   Without the two knowing their absence make the fans make speculations that why are the two absent at the same day.

   Breaking News

  Fans start to debate on the speculations that BTS V and Twice Tzuyu are dating. The speculation started when a fan noticed that the two are absent on the same day on their schedule.

  Even though many shippers are very happy on the speculations a lot of fans threw a fuss on the fan posted her theory.

    There is no confirmation yet on the both agencies.

         --- to be continued ---

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