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It was his birthday and I'm preparing a gift for him. I asked the help of Jiwon unnie, my PA to deliver my gift so that the unnie will be not suspecting me. They know his birthday and they were also sending their gifts but I want mine to be special.

I learned knitting and I make a purple scarf for him putting his initials to make it more valuable. I want my boyfriend to be happy. Yes, we are already officially dating but we keep it lowkey. I give him my answer when he went to our dorm. It was the Christmas eve when we share passionate kiss when I give him my sweet yes. I didn't know what gotten on me but I don't want to lose him. I was 25th of December when we start dating.

" Where's your gift don't tell me you forget my birthday.." Sana unnie said, I cannot forget it because she reminded me everyday so I bake a cake for her.

" I don't unnie..." I handed her a box of cake and she look so happy and excited as always.

" Did you bake this? Wow I'm so touch... thank you maknae.." She said and kiss my cheeks.

We will also celebrating her birthday today and they are planning to have some drinks. I don't want to join them so I quickly went to my room and sleep.

BTS was in Japan and it was sad that he will be celebrating his birthday there without me. I saw his gift to Sana unnie it was a cute stuff toy that look like her exactly. I'm not jealous but I think that was cute.

I prepared my long message to him and plan to send it exactly as his especial day start. I know he will be doing a vlive first so he might not answer me but unexpected he called me.

" Happy birthday.. love.." I greeted him

" Thanks love... by the way thank you for the gift... I appreciate it.." he said

" That's nothing... are you not supposed to have a vlive?" I asked him

" yes but I'm planning it after I call you.. I want to talk to you first on my especial day.." She feel happy on what he said.

" That's corny...but since you are the one who said.. it was good.."

" Love... is that not sweet?" he asked like a baby

" Of course it sweet... " I said and I hear him chuckle..

" You must sleep love... I need to do a vlive now.. take care and dream of me.." He said and ended the call

I was smiling the whole night because of him. He was a sweet person and I can't deny that. All of his efforts explains. No wonder a lot of girls are going crazy for him, including me.

It was another year again and I'm sure this month will be a busy month for us, we will be attending lot of events, awardings and activities. If we were busy they are more busy, a global stars indeed. I can understand if he will not replying my messages because as I can see they are busy promoting outside the country. I can say I was a proud girlfriend, I'm happy on his success. Since our relationship was a secret I will just kept my self the loneliness I feel. I missed him. A week was not too long for me to miss him but it was.

Our schedule was also full loaded and I can't make a time to message him as I usually do. If we have a break I will sleep immediately without checking my phone, I am not also updating on our social media making fans wonder of where I am. I'm just tired and I need some rest I hope he can understand.

Five months and counting.

I still didn't receive any message from him, I heard they are already in Korea. We rarely interact because of our schedule was contracting.

Are we still together?

I can stop thinking many things, did he just date me for a bet? Did he just make fun of me to see if I'm easy to get?

I scroll my last message from him and I can't believe with the hundreds of message I sent he never replied even with an emoji.

The others were busy for their solo promotions while I'm still waiting for mine. I don't know but it make me sad
that the others were having their own projects while me I'm not receiving from the agency.

As I was busy scrolling ojn the social media an article caught my eyes. A top trending article.

' Are you ready for an actor Kim Taehyung?'

' Twice Sana is in talks to join Kim Taehyung on his upcoming drama.'

Reading their names is enough to break my heart into pieces. Is this the reason why he is not replying me? Did he just used me? Sana unnie is really the one he love.

My tears start to fall as a new article published.

' Twice Sana confirms to join Starry night with Kim Taehyung'

I was hurt but I have no one to comfort me, it's my fault for trusting him and for keeping a secret from them. How can they comfort me if they didn't know my feeling.

I stayed in my room for the whole day, crying.

they really look good together
I remember Taehyung admitted that he like Sana.. I can't wait for their chemistry.
Taetzu sink, Sana was better with Taehyung than Tzuyu

I don't know but even the comments was hurting me I was still reading it. The people are right they look good together, they have the same personality, I am boring and Sana unnie was a jolly type.

I immediately wipe my tears when I heard a knock from my door.

" Tzuyu are you still awake.. Sana unnie will be celebrating her new project.. you want to join us?" I heard Jihyo unnie said.

" Yes unnie.. I will just fix myself.." I answered her

No way that I will act bitterly, I must happy for my unnie.... no matter how I love that person.

--- to be continued ---

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