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like any other day, Jennie was kept busy printing papers and checking for incoming calls from clients. through each call, she writes down the client's information and their reasoning for calling. she was to keep track of who calls and who needs to be called. but there was nothing new other than them needing help with directing for resources.

Jennie hung up on her last call before break time and quickly wrote down what the recent phone call was about. she lightly swift her black ink pen to write it rapidly before it gets lost in her brain. she rip the post-it notes and places them onto that client's files that were below the side of her drawer.

on her way of bending down, she eyed Seokjin who sat across from her. he was too focused on filling out the missing information of the client that he didn't even move a glance from his computer screen. his hand rapidly types without looking down. reminded her of when he used to help write her economic paper in college.

"Miss Kim, CEO Jeon wants to talk to you," one of the representatives said on his way back from meeting with him. Jennie blinked away and smiled acknowledging it. Seokjin paused his typing to see Jennie leaving her desk cube. as soon as she disappear into the hall, he took a deep breath and flat out his lips before going back to his writing. whatever she does or whatever happens, he should not get involved as it was the best for him and them. he forced that upon himself but it weighs his heart down and grew even more worried ever since the day Jungkook ran through her without care.

on the way to Jungkook's office, last night thoughts flung back onto her fuzzy mind taking her to action. she stops right in front of his door, her hand out to reach the handle but it seemed fair for her to twist it open. she couldn't weave through the tight and relieving hug that he shared with her yesterday.

it's just a hug, she shook it off her mind and proceed to enter the office room, in which she found Jungkook sitting on the edge of his desk looking out into the busy streets rather than sitting on his comfortable black leather chair. "CEO Jeon," her voice brought sight to him as he responded to it rather quickly. she had her head down after the first few seconds of their battling gaze. he was just thinking about her therefore when she called him, he found himself dreaming on her face until she spoke up.

"you called for me?" she said and he blinked away back to the thick tinted glass windows. "I... I want some fish cakes and soondae for lunch," he responded.

"from where?" she raised her brows to accept, "since it's my break time, I'll go get it for you-"

"let's go together," he states while interlocking his fingers into the spaces of her slime soft fingers. his rough hand palms kneaded with her soft ones. before she even got the chance to pull back, he grips on it tighter and tugs her out of his office, forgetting his phone. her eyes widen as if an electric shock has just been shattered into her veins.

her face grew red like it was about to burst from a bomb ticking through rushed emotions. although not a single word was said, her heart does millions of tiny flips against her chest nonstop. the feeling of sweet and bitterness mash-up inside of her.

the couple made their way past the desk cubes of the employers, who were stuck in tempted silence and adoration of the way their CEO treats his wife. female employers became slightly jealous and male employers grinned away like idiots.

Seokjin notice the change of silent ambiance among the employers before he sought from afar to see Jennie and Jungkook passing by holding hands. Jungkook had held her hand and that was what made Jennie blush.

Seokjin caught it with his bad vision despite having seen blur object from afar. he doubts himself for even having to pick up the smallest details of her. he begins disappointing himself by fantasizing that this would have been them.

THE MATCHES THAT BURN ― JenkookWhere stories live. Discover now