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"I know you don't have any feelings for Jungkook and I'm not forcing you to love or leave him as well but I have seen him become better. this is all because of you, it's because you're here that he's able to get a better grip of himself. I don't want to see him lose it all again, you understand me right?" Mrs. Jeon explained herself to the now frowning girl.

"I'm sorry, I'll make sure that he doesn't lose it all again.. but I can't promise you to stay," she lowered her head, "I have someone whom I'm still in love with," she said, upsetting Mrs. Jeon.

"auntie Jeon, when are we going home?!" Seo Hana approached them from afar with a maidservant guiding behind her.

Mrs. Jeon flashes a smile at Jennie and pat her frowning cheeks, "I'm always ready to help you with anything, remember that," she said to her. Jennie lowered her head again, watching the empty space in front of her foot.

Mrs. Jeon walked past Hana and smile going in first. Hana inspects Jennie walking toward her.

"are you not going to ask who I am related to Jungkook?" Hana beams, crossing her arm just above her chest, interrupting and stopping Jennie from her thoughts.

"that's not important to me. if Jungkook didn't mention it, why should I mention it? " Jennie responded, gazing back at Hana before walking past her and following the mother back inside.

Hana grumbled with anger and jealousy but her brow raised in surprise at how calm Jennie was to not care about her relationship with Jungkook.


"why are we here, sir?" Jungmo asked standing behind Seokjin and in front of the Peter Pan bakery shop. "you'll see, let's go in!" he snuck his hand in his pockets and went in.

"hello, welcome-" Irene greeted them, raising her brows the moment she saw his face. Jungmo was shocked to see her here, perhaps she have multiple part-time jobs he thought.

"oh, it's you!" Seokjin smirked and walked toward her. her face turned blunt.

"what can I get for you?" she spoke through her teeth, glaring only down at the cashier screen.

Seokjin raises his brows in confusion as to why she didn't act repulsive as she did before, "I rented the other side of the bakery's cafe for a birthday surprise tonight," Seokjin said.

"can I get your name for the rent checklist?" Irene asked as Jungmo step up and spoke for him.

"Kim Seokjin," Jungmo said. she rolled her eyes, there he goes again with the rich acting form having someone to pronounce his name for a simple checklist now. but the name pinpointed her thoughts of what a beautiful name it was, not the person though.

"sorry but your appointment isn't until 9:00 PM, I believe you will have to wait for 2 more hours," she said after looking through the checklist of two-person ahead of him.

"we can wait until then, can I get two pandan-filled bread and a medium ice coffee drizzles with caramel while we wait?" Seokjin stated. she quickly placed the orders before Jungmo handed his black card to her for payment.

her lips slightly open, the heavy black card in her hand felt so cash-rich. Seokjin notice her startle in accepting the card in her hand and almost giggled. but then he sought to see her name tag on her apron, 'Bae Irene' he glares at Jungmo and then back at her, contemplating if she was the girl who called Jungmo from last night.

"thank you, it'll be ready in a couple of minutes, please sit anywhere you want," Irene handed the receipt to Jungmo with both of her hands and a deep bow.

THE MATCHES THAT BURN ― JenkookWhere stories live. Discover now