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Jennie aggressively pater her phone screen only to notice that her phone had blacked down because of low batteries. her absent and worried face reflects onto the black phone screen while she tightens it in her fist. the blackness of her phone made her more determined to find him. she skipped a few more steps toward the crossing lights and held another pause.

"what am i going to do..." she yearns for answers, solutions, and for help. her blank mind wanders around the busy night streets and could not pick up on any direction to move forward.

while waiting for the pedestrian light to turn green, the sky roared in scared. they feel for her as she gazes up and saw a strike of small lightning that made her flinch back, frightened. her back touched the building bricks on the corner of the street.

another thunder roared when she covered her ears and huddled down onto her the ground. in short seconds, raindrops dripped onto her before a sudden cold breeze run through her thin shirt and skinny body.

she didn't know where else to go. she didn't know what else she could do to find him.

and with that, it only made her realize how much she didn't know about him. how little it was that she wanted to help him get better but doesn't even know what was dragging him down or what he went through to be like this. he had himself so closed up that everyone viewed him as cold and ignorant but that was because no one had asked him if he was okay, including her.

both of her arms are swept up from the side as she brings her knees up and hunchs over them with her face buried inside her arms. little by little, had her emotions bottled up to riled and selfishness. a soft cry escaped between her unbearable lips. she was crying and couldn't stop herself from letting it out so harshly loud.

"I thought I lost you," he panted out of breath. the voice caught up to her through the heavy pouring rain. Jennie curiously yet slowly lifts her chin up to see Jungkook smiling.

the side of his lips bleeds in red stains as he leered, his knuckles were also torn and bleeding, his clothes and hair all drenched from the rain. she help herself up but fell right back weakened by the knees.

"are you alright?" Jungkook had caught onto her back. he furrowed his brows in concern, seeing her pale white lips and sharing the quivering of her cold body. her clothes were also drenched from the pouring bitter rain.

she gazes at him from below but every time she wants to hold her stare, her eyelid becomes heavier for them to open. when a breath of detachment leaves her pale lips, she falls right into his embrace.

"Jennie," he picked her right up into his chest the moment his heart jumped in fear of her hurting herself. he lay his eyes back onto the road to look for a taxi but Chanwoo has finally found them and drives up by the curb to help Jungkook with taking her to the hospital.

"what? you met Taehyung?" Chanwoo asked. he noticed people staring at him for being loud. he and Jungkook were sitting among the many waiting hospital chairs of guests.

Jungkook nodded and lowered his eyes once more, constantly squeezing and opening his palm that has been bandaged by a nurse earlier, "yea, apparently i was able to get my way out since i didn't have what he wanted."

Chanwoo tilted his head to the side and queried, "what was he looking for?"

"million-dollar loans and some stolen drugs," Jungkook sighed before combing his hair back a couple of times out of frustration, still figuring out what that was all about.

"so you're saying he thinks you stole some drugs from him and also owe him a million dollars? what is he, a lunatic?" Chanwoo snapped, "we need to report it to the police-"

THE MATCHES THAT BURN ― JenkookWhere stories live. Discover now