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"Jennie?" Irene called from the side of the car that had just pulled away. her breath smoked away from the cold morning of almost winter. though it hasn't snowed yet, her beaming lips have already been chapped by the nippy frost. 

Jennie has gotten up early for work, in front of the building, glancing over to Irene and tilting her head to study her pale flawless skin. she was the girl at the bakery and the woman that was with Seokjin yesterday at the police station. judging from her outfit, she must of have worked here all along with her bakery job. 

Jennie smiled as Irene approached with a jog, handing her a cup of coffee from the cup holder she had on the other hand, "this is for you!" she raised her brows with a bit of pride. 

she hesitated but took the coffee from her with a grateful gaze, "I didn't-"

"Seokjin said to get you one as well," Irene whisper on the side and fixed the strand of hair that had fallen with the morning breeze.

"ah," Jennie acknowledge, staring at the drink for a while now, "but I don't see you around much, have you always been working here?" she asked with curiosity. 

"you probably remember me from the Peter Pan bakery shop right?" Irene responded wanting her to guess.

Jennie thought about it for a couple of minutes and a bell rang, "Irene?"

Irene smiled nodding her head shyly, "actually today is my first day here working as Seokjin's personal assistant. the building is so big, how did you fit well into one of these?" Irene pointed to the building in front of both of them.

"I don't," Jennie chuckles, "well, I only know one floor and that's my office floor... which is also Seokjin's floor." Irene notices how her voice lowered when Seokjin's name was mentioned. "we don't have to talk about him if you don't want to. also yesterday, please don't think too much of it."

Jennie beamed once more and nodded, her eyes hiding behind her chubby pink cheeks as Irene remembered she has to deliver these to Seokjin and waved to her, skipping into the building. Jennie followed behind letting Irene's friendly impression soak in until a strong pair of hands took her to the cold ground.


"when did Jennie leave for work?" Jungkook asked buttoning his shirt after completing grooming his hair. "about two hours ago, sir" Chanwoo answered. 

"I can't believe she ditched me after what we have gone through," Jungkook mumbles. Chanwoo furrowed his brows and asked, "what did you guys go through for you to be this upset?" 

Jungkook glanced over at him and swallowed his guts clearing his throat. he felt himself blushing from within, "shouldn't you be getting the car?"

Chanwoo nodded and went down first to get the car ready. Jungkook pouted and sighed grabbing his suit jacket and marching down to the front waiting for Chanwoo to drive by the roundabout. he can't believe she left without even letting him know or waking him up, millions of thoughts came by from last night and brought a sly grin out of him. it's not like it's his first time but he's finding the thought of it flutters heat onto his face. 

as Chanwoo drove by, he helped himself on and Chanwoo was stunned that he opened his own door this time. unlike every other time, Chanwoo would have to hustle to do everything including opening the door for him to get in. but the atmosphere for Jungkook felt bright today for someone who's always cold and dark. 

"are you mad?" Chanwoo asked staring from the rear mirror and multitasking into the road. the questions made Jungkook realize that he was a bit so happy and showy as he cleared his throat and dropped his smile.  

THE MATCHES THAT BURN ― JenkookWhere stories live. Discover now