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Jennie grizzled on his shoulder, letting her tear drip onto his hospital gown. a minute went by until she felt his hand loosen from her back. she thought he wanted to see her face but instead his weight was put onto her in seconds. she struggles to hold him up as his knee kneads the floor.

she went down with him and took him to her sight. his lip was pale and he was unconscious. "Jungkook? Jungkook!" a nurse came running to her shocking shout while looking for his runaway. her parents rushed towards them and offered to help him up. Mr. Kim swift his hand over his shoulder as he fell onto his warm fatherly shoulder.

"where is his room?" Mr. Kim blurted as the nurse lead him back to his room. Jennie and her mother followed whilst he placed him on the bed and the nurse quickly re-insert the IV needle and heart monitor at the tip of his index finger. he was tied to the hospital bed again.

"how is he? what is going on?" Jennie questioned the nurse and her parents.

"what is your relationship with this patient ma'am?" the nurse asked.

"I'm his wife - why is he here?" Jennie wanted to know. her parents sigh, turning away, and made no eye contact with her, "mom? dad? you both knew of this?"


"everyone does, except you." Mr. Jeon came into the room with Chanwoo and his wife. the nurse backed away and continue setting up the health monitor again. Mrs. Jeon's face fell pale from the lack of rest. with him here to see Jungkook, Jennie was scared that something serious must of happened. Chanwoo nodded his head in greeting and met eyes with Jennie, whom he quickly retrieve, following the only direction given by Mr. Jeon.

"Mr. Jeon," Jennie bowed before facing him. she notices the shift in his dark eyes and grew afraid that this might be much more worst than what she is seeing. "what happened while I was gone?" she asked without telling them that she was also taken away by Taehyung and his people.

"that is what I should be asking you," Mr. Jeon snapped at her and she fell onto her knee. "I'm sorry, it was my fault for not looking after him" she fists her hands with the coldness of the tile floor pushing up against her kneecap.

"I want to talk to you alone," Mr. Jeon informed and walked out of the room with his cane for assistance. Chanwoo nodded at her to look after herself and be understanding. she glances at Jungkook who is now being checked thoroughly by the nurse and felt like she owned him.

she stepped out to find Mr. Jeon, who is now resting both of his hands on his cane outside the resting bench area near the balcony of the hospital. before he could say what he wanted to say, Mr. Jeon made sure that it was only her and him there.

"I'm sorry again for not looking after him, why is he here as well?" Mr. Jeon closed his eyes and took a long sigh before glancing at her blue hospital gown, "seeing that you are also here without knowing his situation, there must be something going on. what happened to you while the company caught on fire?"

she knitted her brows and widen her eyes in startle, "the company building caught on fire?" she had to make it clear what she thought she heard. seconds flew by with his saddened nod that she thought this wasn't a coincidence, Taehyung must have his man start the fire while they took her away at the entrance knowing she'll be able to take him out of there safe and sound. they didn't want her but Jungkook.

"this morning before I could even make it back into the building, someone came from behind me and that was all that I remembered until I turned conscious, and i was somewhere else" Jennie explained.

Mr. Jeon furrowed his brows and concluded, " it's starting again, this time they decided to target Jungkook."

Jennie knew exactly the reason why the cartel gang was after Jungkook.

THE MATCHES THAT BURN ― JenkookWhere stories live. Discover now