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she // sees ghostly pale white skin, covered in harsh blemishes and disgusting bruises
he // sees beautiful milky white skin, dusted with small constellations of red-toned planets and light brown specks of stars scattering her beautiful face that closely resembled our also milky galaxy

she // sees the glass half empty
he // sees the glass half full

she // thinks it's over, she's done for, broken too many times to where she can no longer be glued together
he // finds the beauty in this mess (it brings them closer), and see's her as strong as ever, another tale to be told

because she is moon, who sees all darkness, and can never see the light no mater how hard she tries
and he is the sun, who sees all bright, but can not bring himself to accept the darkness that we eventually all see.

neither of them know what's worse.

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