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"My fortune cookie says Could." We all look at Eddie who holds the slip of paper between his fingers, showing off the word. Richie opens his.

"They dont know how to do fortune cookies here. Mine says Guess" Richie states, showing his to the table.

"You wanna throw that over here?" Bill asks as Richie passes it. Bill stands up as we start opening up our cookies. I can't remember where I put the one from earlier and reach for another one.

"What you got, Mikey?" Bill asks, taking the slip of paper between two fingers. He takes a breath and sets it with the others. I go to open mine but stop as they look at the papers.

"Wait, what?" Eddie stands up, leaning over to look.

"This is what im talking about," Mike mutters.

"Guess. Cut. Not. Could. It." Bill reads out. Mike points at them.

"It's a message," Mike states.

"No, Guess it could not cut," Richie tells Bill, watching as he rearranges them.

"Why would it guess it could not cut?" Eddie questions and we all start muttering, getting louder and louder.

"Cut what?" Ben questions.

"Guess it could not cut. I dont know what that means." Richie throws his hands up.

"It goes in front. There." Ben changes the order.

"It could not guess." I read.

"It couldn't guess." Bill nods.

"Could it, no, could it not cut. " Richie stands up, pointing at the papers.

"When it says It is it talking about It?" I question, making Bill frown. I break open my fortune cookie and I find a slip of paper that says I.

"Yeah. All right." He grumbles.

"I got I," I state, handing it to Bill.

"Is that what it means? Is It it?" Eddie questions, glancing at me and the Bill. They all start talking over each other, fighting and switching around papers.

"Bev?" I mutter. We all go quiet looking at her. She sits there, tears streaming down her face as she places her paper on the table. Stanley. We all watch quietly as Bill puts it in the sentence.

"I Guess Stanley Could Not Cut It" the sentence reads.

"Why does it say, Stanley?" Eddie questions frantically. We all glance around quietly. "Someone else fucking answer me!" He demands, pointing his finger around as we all stare. The fortune cookies in the middle of the table start rattling. We all jump back.

"Holy shit," Richie mutters as our eyes stay glued to the cookies. One practically jumps from the bowl and towards Mike. Bev gasps as it starts to break, a slimy thing writhing inside it.

"What the fuck is that, man? Oh my God." Richie mutters as it breaks open and legs spread out, wings bursting from its back.

"Whoa, whoa!" Bill yells as it sprouts the head of a baby, crying and darting towards Mike. More cookies fall from the bowl as we stumble backward.

"Shit," I mutter. The one in front of Richie bursts, an eye with tentacles looking at him.

"Hey! Hey! That fortune cookie's looking at me! Shit!" He screams as it crawls towards him.

"I dont want to be here. I can't fucking do this. I wanna go home! I dont want to be here!" Eddie repeats as a slimy batwing emerges from the cookie, flying towards him.

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