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"Let's get our shit and get the fuck out of here," Richie grumbles as we enter the townhouse.

"Did you leave your stuff here?" Eddie calls out to Ben.

"No, my stuff's still in the car." He responds as we head upstairs. Richie grabs his bag and walks back down. I dont grab my suitcase but I still follow him down. We walk to the bar inside, finding Ben and Bev.

"Whatever you guys are talking about, let's make it happen faster, all right? We gotta go. Eduardo, andale! Let's go!" Richie yells.

"You knew how Stanley died, you knew." We hear Ben accuse Bev.

"Wait, what?" Richie questions.

"I can't do this," Bev whispers, walking past us.

"She knew how Stanley was gonna die, is that what she just said?" Richie asks as Ben follows her.

"You can't just walk away from this. How did you know where he killed himself?" Ben questions her as she rings the bell at the front desk. Richie and I follow close behind. She walks around the front desk herself. "Bev. Talk to me. Just talk to me. Like we used to. Come on, how did you know?" He yells as she grabs the key herself.

"Because I saw it. I've seen all of us die." She mutters. We all stare in shock before Eddie comes fumbling down the stairs with two suitcases.

"Okay, I just got to grab my toiletry bag, and then we can go." He stops, his bags hitting the floor with a thud as he observes us. "What'd I miss?"

We all sit in the bar area as Eddie begins to pick Bev's brain for answers, pacing back and forth.

"Okay. So, what do you mean that you've seen us all die?"

"Yeah, cause I gotta be honest. That's a fucked up thing to just drop on somebody." Richie continues, staring at Bev as she cries silently.

"Every night since Derry, I've been having these nightmares. People in pain. People dying. People-" She sniffs

"So, you have nightmares. I have nightmares, People, they have nightmares. But that doesn't mean that your visions are true." Eddie tries to reason as Bev shakes her head.

"I've watched every single one of us..." She whimpers.

"You've seen every single one of us what?" We turn and see Bill and Mike. Bill leans down and looks Bev in the eye, sitting on the table that holds a lamp.

"At the place that Stanley wound up. That's how we end." She states, her voice no louder than a whisper.

"Okay, how come the rest of us aren't seeing that shit? I mean, what makes her so different?" Richie queried.

"The deadlights," Mike responds, his face void of any emotion.

"The deadlights. She was the only one of us that got caught in the Deadlights that day." Bill stammered, pointing to the redhead.

"We were all touched by It. Changed. Deep down. Like an infection. Or a virus. A virus! You understand. Slowly growing. That virus, it's been growing for 27 years. This whole time, metastasizing. It just got to Stan first, because-"

"He was the weakest." Richie mumbles.

"Jesus Christ, Rich," Bill mutters.

"Just saying what everyone else is thinking, man." He responds.

"I mean, Rich, come on." Eddie shames as he paces.

"What Beverly sees, it will come to pass. It's what'll happen to all of us, eventually, unless we stop it." Mike states.

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