Ep. 17

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{ Song: Boy With Luv - BTS }

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{ Song: Boy With Luv - BTS }


Jana observed her surroundings as she sat at a table in the cafe her mom told her about. Pink. It was too pink. Since it was a peony themed cafe, it was decorated with all sorts of fake flowers with various shades of pink. There was even a neat, embellished swing in a corner. Jana didn't necessarily hate it; she thought it was rather cute, but why have the date there out of all the other places. Her mother was trying too hard for that date to work.

Jana sighed as she waited for her so called date to arrive. He was late, but she wasn't complaining. At least it was something she could use as an excuse to never see whoever that guy was again. Idol or not, she did not want any romantic relationships. Sometimes she wondered why people would even look for them. Why weren't their relationships with friends enough? You want someone to get you flowers, your friends can do that. It's not like they lacked any money or any less affection. Romance was a concept she would never understand.

She found her thoughts wandering from the topic of romance to the events that took place the previous night. She had no idea why she suddenly got emotional, but she was grateful for Jungkook for not commenting on it. She didn't know how she would have responded.

She snapped her head to the direction of the door when she heard the little bell above it ring, signaling that someone had entered. Her eyes widened as she checked out the guy who had just arrived. His exquisite blue hair fell on top of the red headband adorning his forehead; he wore a simple black t-shirt with matching jeans and a mask on his face.
Shit, Jungkook is gonna fucking kill me.
She stood up from her seat, dusting her short black dress as she saw him approaching her table.

"Are you Jana?"

"Yes, nice to meet you." She answered as she slightly bowed and shook his hand.

"Nice to meet you, too. I'm Taehyung," He said before they both sat down. "Have you ordered, yet?"

"No, I was waiting for you. And you are late, by the way. You don't get a free pass for being famous, you know." She joked as she scanned the menu.

His laugh resonated around the half empty cafe, immediately diverting her attention from the menu to him.
Damn, I might actually reconsider. She thought.

"Apologies, my lady. How can I make it up to you?"

"Hmm, you can pay for my drink." She smirked.

"That's it? Consider it done."

They waited for a few minutes until the waiter came to take their order. After giving their order, Jana turned to look back at Taehyung.

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