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The next week went by pretty quickly, there was no trace of any Andrew. Amy used to call me everyday to check if anything happened but nothing really happened.

As nothing out of ordinary happened we eventually came on the conclusion that Amy was wrong, she mistook someone else as Andrew, even though she kept saying it was him, him being a no show made a contradiction.

The whole month went by, me and Adam went on a lot of dates and tried out many new places. I even topped in my class when the results came out.

It was was the last week of September and I was coming back from an extra class, today Adam had left for Vegas with his parents.

I decided to drop by Maria's shop. I stayed there for an hour or so, Olivia was also over. I called for a cab, the app showed it would take about 15 min for the cab to reach here so i went to grab a coffee. As i got out from Starbucks someone pulled me in.

He covered my mouth and dragged to a quite street. I struggled to get free but with few quick moves i finally did. "Hello love" the came a voice. And hell yes I knew who it  was, Andrew!!


I have no idea why am i so unlucky. The very day i landed in L.A i saw Ivy and that jerk Adam saying their goodbye to her sister and Noah. Ivy looked so beautiful, as always. 

I booked a hotel and stayed there for few weeks, just to make sure even if they saw me they would forget it and take it as a misunderstanding. All these weeks I controlled myself to not to go to her. One day I decided to go and see what she was upto, she was mostly with that Adam guy.  I have no idea what is so good in him. I stalked her the whole waiting for the right opportunity. 

Finally I found it, she went into a shop and then came out all alone, she went to starbucks and got her drink and I took the opportunity, I covered her mouth to prevent her from screaming and dragged her to a nearby street. "Hello love" I greeted her in my deep voice. 

She tried freeing herself but failed, "darling don't struggle I cannot see you hurt" I said.After few minutes of struggling she finally gave up. As she calmed down I let her go knowing she will not run away. 


I tried to break free but failed. " Darling don't struggle I cannot see you hurt" he said with a teasing tone. Oh god I hate this guy, I tried breaking free again but failed again. I finally gave up knowing it is of no use, I had no admit he got the strength of a bull. 

He let me loose, I not for a second though about running away, it was of no use he was somehow gonna catch me again. I turned towards him with a raised eyebrow. "What don't look at me like that" he said with that stupid smirk. 

"What are you here for Andrew" I asked, "Hey I missed you", I gave him the look. "Ok not entirely, you moved on and I just cannot see that ok. Can't you dump your so called boyfriend and be with me". "I love him Andrew, what we had was good but its over now, I have moved on and so should you". His expression changed, it turned dark. I knew that i was in danger I carefully dialed a number, Maria's. She picked up. 

He started walking towards me. "Andrew you should not do this, we are near the street of Starbucks many people walk by, you will be trouble" I said, trying to hint Maria my location. "Babe you don't understand I love you and I cannot see you with other not after everything I have done for you". He grabbed my shoulder tightly and forced himself upon me, I tried pushing but no luck. Just then someone shoved him on the ground,  it was James. 

Maria and Olivia came and hugged me, "Are you ok?" Olivia asked I just nodded. Just then I saw someone throw a punch at Andrew and made him fall again. Adam, he looked at me and came rushing to me, the others parted away. "I am sorry, I wanted to call you but I though that Maria was closer, I reall-" he cut me off with a kiss, a deep passionate one, telling me he forgave me. 

"Can you just stop being so lovey dovey, you won't last and Ivy you will be mine no matter what" Andrew said with a smirk, his face was a mess and James was holding him down. Adam was about to say something but this time I took the lead "Andrew in you dreams, there is something really wrong with your head thinking I will ever look at you the same way again" I said. The police came in and took him, I was asked to come to the station first thing in the morning.

Before leaving I turned around and said one last thing to in "I feel sorry for you Andrew" and then left. Back at home everyone had already got the news of what had happened, my family along with Mia were sitting in the living room. Mia got up and hugged me, "I told him that he was a some stalker boy, you go and rest. 

My parents didn't ask any questions I went straight up to my room. I really wanted to spend the night with Adam. I just sat on the bean bag fully again, just then I heard someone trying to open my door. I grabbed a nearby book and stood behind the door. The door creaked open and I shouted hitting the person with the book, the invader groaned, what the fuck babe calm down. Wait the voice is familiar, it was Adam. 

"What are you going here?" I asked 'Hello to you too, thought to give you some company" he replied. I kissed him and he kissed me back, my mom shouted from downstairs "Honey are you ok" she asked. I guess she heard me shout, "Nothing mom I thought I saw a cockroach" I shouted back. "More of a cock" Adam joked, I stared at him, he just looked at me innocently. 

"You want me to come", "no mom I am fine". Once she was gone, I made sure to lock my room. Adam was lying on my bed "How did you sneak in" I asked 'its a secret, you have to find out about" he replied. I slowly walked towards him and kissed him, I really wanted this kiss. 



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Ivy: I love you too

Mia: Awwwww

Maria: cute

Amy: I wanna cuddle like that

Noah: What is a boy doing in your room?jk :)

James: couple goals

Vincent: Aww you guys

Emily: :(

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