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I spent these few days preparing for the senior prom. I had my hair done my nails done and had a full body massage, me and Adam barely met these few days. Our result came in the morning of the prom, i was the topper of my class, should have looked at the three cats face. 

I haven't been talking to them all a lot, just at times when i have some work. Angelia again was very over confident that she would be the the prom queen and have the title of the couple of the year, we'll see. 

After the result me and Adam went to grab some coffee but had no time to. Mia called me saying that she and the girls were over, Adam dropped me off as the guys were over at his place too. My mom hugged me when she saw my report card, as i entered my room someone hugged me again, it was a powerful hug as i fell straight down, Amy!! 

"Hello sister" she said enacting Damon Salvatore. I stood up and hugged her again. "I missed you bitch". I looked around, Mia and Maria were their too. After that everyone started swaying me here and there. They did everything, from manicure to pedicure. 

Maria did my hair, Mia did my make up and Amy did nothing but make fun of me. After hours of  swaying me around, i was finally ready. I just sat in my room and clicked some pictures.As me, Maria and Mia were talking Amy rushed into my room. "Can I take your boyfriend" she said, I just stared at her, she grabbed my hand and took me to the window, I peeked outside. Oh my god!! I saw an Audi R8 standing right next to my gate. The other girls shrieked. Ok wow, the care was just beautiful. 

The girls went downstairs first and then i followed behind. I saw Adam and the other boys  standing their, god Adam looked hot... 

He kissed me on the cheek and i just giggled,"Hey beauty"said Noah hugging me tightly. "Hello there" Adam said acting as if he was jealous. We all chuckled, Adam opened the door for me and i entered the care, apparently this csr was a gift for him from his parents. I loved it. 

When we reached our destination everyone turned around to check out our car, ok I was loving the attention. This was like a movie scene, Adam got out of the car and opened the door for me. I got out and walked to Vincent and his group. They all shouted, "Looking sexy Ivy: one of them said, i just flipped my hair. 

The cats were glaring at me, but i gave no fuck. After that we went and took some pictures, even the decoration was awesome, we danced and sang and ate. It was the time for the final announcement about who was the couple of the year and the top student. 

"The couple of the year goes to.......", I stopped breathing fora while. "Ivy and Adam". All shouted including our principal. Ahhh god I was happy, Alvin and Angelia were the prom couple but we were the best couple ever. 

"And now the top student, this is the decision of the school management so no one can raise any questions" said the announcer "so this award goes to........" "should i tell you all", the audience groaned. "Ivy!!".

ok what the fuck. I won, no way.... I was shocked, i had no expectation, tears welled up in my eyes. I was supposed to give a speech about my school year. I went up the stage and grabbed the mic, lets go..

"This school is more than just an institution to me, I grew up with all my classmates and my teachers. I made some friend and many foes" everyone giggled "but you know what, let it go. I feel blessed to be here with these amazing people, I spent my best and worst days with them, those days when we bunk classes or the times when we took detentions with friends, I am no perfect student but i can say that i enjoyed my life and days to the fullest. The teachers here were very supportive. No matter how may fights we had in the past, we still will remember the best of the memories. I love you all and always will". "We love you too" everyone shouted. 

After party with my beauty

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Me and my girls

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As we said goodbyes to everyone tears welled up in our eyes, these were the people we spent most our lives with. Adam dropped me off as the girls were waiting for me, he gave me a peck on my forehead. I got back home and changed into some comfy clothes and after that me and the girls watched a movie and talked for a bit. 

Adam had planned something for me for my birthday as well as our anniversary, so i was excited, me and the girls went for shopping and for lunch. I got a dress for our dinner  and then went home to get dressed. I wore a casual outfit first, as the dinner was later in the evening. 

Before the dinner, me and the girls decided to give the parlour a visit and after that i went on and got dressed for the night.

The final look was just amazing i looked in the mirror and felt pretty. I smiled and so did the others. My phone showed a text from Adam, i smiled. My smile faded away. What just sat down on my bed and sighed, taking off my shoes. Amy grabbed my phone and she had her angry expression on "What is it" Mia asked "Your brother cancelled the date because your dad is back from the business trip and he asked him to spend some time, he will be late for the date" Any said angrily.

Mia frowned and called her dad he confirmed that he wanted to talk to Adam about his future and he will be leaving for another trip for few months the same night so won't have time to talk to him.

Sexy sister check

AMY_DICKENS Sexy sister check

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Adam: missing so much

Noah: not showy much, i am protective bestie

Mia: ok piece of art

Maria: pretty bitch

Olivia: beauty

Ivy: sexy me

Andrew: oh la la hun

Emily: pretty you

I found myself standing in front of the club, his location showed that he was here. It all happened in a rush, we decided to surprise Adam and go where he was.

I checked his location and thank god it was still on. Noah drove up to my house and took us to the club.

I was a bit confused why his dad brought him here but anyway i knew he would love the surprise. We all went in every single room to find Adam's.

It was a black door, the VIP room. I entered, Adam was inside I saw his from the little window on the door. We all entered and shouted surprise.

The sight broke my heart into pieces, i wanted someone to tell me that this all was just me hallucinating, Adam was there holding Emily.

Everything went blurry, i could not bear the pain. It hurt, my body felt numb.


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