That day a new sage was born

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Izuku Yagi was looking down from the roof top of his school. Tears once fell from his face, no longer did. He simply did not care anymore. He was ready to end it all. Right there and then but a gentle, humble and wise voice stopped him.

Izuku Yagi is a short boy for his age group, which is 13. His round face was framed by a short mess of untamed blonde hair, which sticks at odd angles around his head, casting noticeably dark shadows onto itself. His eyes are large and some what circular, their irises is a bright blue, which can be very watery, and are usually stretched quite wide, giving him an innocent energised appearance. He has a set of four symmetrical freckles in a diamond formation, on each cheek.

"One who dares take his life shall bring ruin on the world, the one who change it shall perish and the one who shall change the flow of the world shall fall. That will happen if you pick this" Izuku turned around to see a old man.

The old man was a tall and pale-skinned man, who had deep wrinkles and a strong jaw line even for his elderly age. He has spiky, shoulder-length, pale brown hair, with a chin length, braided lock hanging in the front of his face of his front left ear. He also sported a goatee, which tapered down to his waist. He had a pair of horns - like protrusions extending from either side of his forehead. He had a red ringed like eye marking at the centre of his forehead and two ring like purple eyes. He wore a white, full length kimono with a patten of six black magatoma around a high collar, beneath which, he wore a necklace which was also made up of six black magatoma. On the back of his kimono was a larger, black ringed eye marking a patten and having nine black magatoma arranged in three rows of three beneath the black ringed eye.

"Who are you?" Izuku asked in a broken and sad tone.

The old man gave a small frown at the boy "I am here to give you a chance at life, a chance to become a hero" he said with a kind smile at the end, to show that he was truthful.

Izuku's eyes went as wide a sources "You can make that happen!?" He asked shouted at the man who nodded. The old man held out his hand and Izuku, without thinking, took it, to then be transported to his mindscape.

Izuku's mindscape:

Izuku woke up in a room that looked like a sewer. In the middle was the old man standing there with a big smile. He gestured for Izuku to come to him and he did.

"Before we continue I shall tell you my name. My name is Hagoromo Ōtsutsuki, the sage of six paths, creater on ninshū and the first jinchūriki" he told Naruto who nodded, while having a very confused face "I shall also introduce you to my sons and my brother so that we all and give you the power to make this world come to peace" he said while Izuku nodded dumbly.

Particles of blue light came together as it formed a person. He was another tall pale-skinned man with hairless brow ridges and white hair, which was long and reached his waist. His bangs were short hung to the left side of his face with a chin length lock which hung to the right side of his face. He also had small, horn like protrusions on his forehead and had and had milky-white eyes. He wore a full length kimono with a patten of six black magatoma around a high collar and dark pants. He also had a dark crescent-moon representing Yin mark on his left palm.

The blue haired man looked at them and smiled kindly towards them "hello nii-san and umm" he looked at the younger boy who said his name to be Izuku "hello Izuku, my name is Hamura Ōtsutsuki, the man who lived on the moon or the shinobi on the moon. How ever you want to say" he said with a kind smile while the boy nodded.

Hagoromo looked at his brother with a smile before talking "Hamura you already know why I have summoned you, right?" The older one said while the white haired male nodded. He understood already.

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