Sports festival - arrival of Hanshiki

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The day like no other. The streets of Japan full, as many came to this event. A event so grand, in the eyes of the people. To see what the future had in stock for their heroes. The day bright and happy, as the wind danced and trees waved. The day was omly getting started.

"Izuku!" Kirishima shouted at his 'rival' and spoke. "You look so manly today! But I will show you my training and where I have improved!" He raised his fist in the air, while Izuku turned to him.

"You said something Kirishima?" He asked his friend who looked startled and shocked.

"Damn you Izuku!" Kirishima shouted while overs just shock their heads.

Aoyama was talking about his dazzling looks and his tummy slightly aching. Mina was talking to Kayune and Momo about potential boyfriends and how cool Izuku was to Kayune. Tsuyu was speaking to Uraraka about their quirks. Iida was trying to get everyone in order. Ojiro was talking to Izuku about martial arts and how he could improve. Denki was trying to calm down Kirishima with Sero. Koda was just nervous. Sato was eating some food. Shogi kept to himself like Tokoyami. Jiro was dragged into the conversation with Mina and that. Izumi and Co were brooding about Izuku. Toru came in a bit late, then was dragged into Mina's betting of ships.

"I'm telling you Ojiro, you have a very unique quirk that allows for better martial arts then most people. Your tail allows for you to have better balance and also better moves to conduct." Izuku told him with a smile, the tailed male smiled, pleased with the answer. "You just need confidence because a certain invisible girl might feel the same." He whistled along, leaving a blushing Ojiro.

Izuku then felt something on his shoulder and saw Shoto. "Listen carefully Izuku. I don't care how powerful you are, I will beat you and prove that I am the best here." Izuku just gave amused look, but also bored.

"Cool." He then got out a book and started to read, making the Todoroki mad.

"I declare-" He was stopped by Izuku walking away. He just kept reading and walking. "Hey I'm not done talking!"

"Really?" Izuku asked sarcastically. "Sorry but all I hear is a sorry excuse of a human trying to talk to me." He simply said. "Those who abandon their friends are worse then scum. Remember those words."

The class was then called out, Izuku and Kayune obviously coming up with a plan together. Walking out, they could hear the cheers of many spectators. Izuku sighed. Troublesome.

Once they got out, they were blown away by the amount of cheers they got. Izuku and Kayune though seemed to be thinking of something else. Like they knew something was coming.

"Give it up for class-one-A!" MIC screamed out to the crowd. Cheers erupting once more. They saw Midnight on stage and began to speak.

"Can Izuku Yagi of Class-One-A please come up here!" He mentally sighed, but knew he had to do this. He walked up, feeling eyes on him. Many were saying that he was that God like figure talked about in Mustafa. He seemed to like a glowing icon for them.

He stood next to the unique-hero and was given the Mic. He knew that this meant a speech. He sighed and spoke. "So I am guessing my fellow peers think I am a arrogant bastard because I am part of class-one-A. To be fair, there are some like that." He looked at Katsuki. "And I do have thoughts like that. But I do not think I am better then you, you all are different, all have different powers and all have different reasons to fight. So don't try to focus your anger on a couple of people and lose sight of the truth. In the end, you might just turn out corrupt, like most heroes." He said while looking at the stands. He didn't like any heroes that much, they used the true meaning and twisted it for power.

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