the tailed beasts

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Izuku looked on at the giant fox in all its glory. The giant fox, radiating a arua of death and despair but suppressed because of Hagoromo.

The fox has red-orange coloured Kistune with black fur around his ruby red eyes that stretch to his ears, and nine long swiping tails. He has the upper-body of a human, complete with thumbs on each of his clawed hands. He is the size of mountains, which he towered over a few and the largest of the tailed beasts.

The one with eight tails is an ushi-oni once with four long horns, but the two right ones were blown off with a tailed beast bomb and the two right were permanently sliced off, similar to that of a Jacob sheep. He towered over large rock formations, dwarfing entire forests and buildings. He has the muscular upper-body structure, with a hunch back like a American bison, elbows with spiked protrusions, and hands with thumbs on them. He doesn't have hind legs, instead having eight tails, which resemble the cephalopod arms of a octopus.

The bug one had the stem of his tail green, as the wings were orange and came off the stem as 7 insect wings. His eyes were covered by helmet-like skull, from inside of which, an orange glow can be seen. He also has spoke protrusions and a row of slits on his shoulders. His body was covered in a blue armour, with parts of it green on the underside. His head had two pincers with three parts of its face, covering a mouth full of sharp teeth. On the back of his head, it has a large pair of sectional horned protrusions.

The one with six tails was a enormous white, with a light blueish tint, bipedal slug with stubby arms, feet and long six tails. She has two prominent tentacles, which are her eyes, and hole-like openings for a mouth. Her whole entire body is covered in a thick, slimy substance.

The proud looking one was a white horse, but with a dolphin head. She has two pointed long horns and three shorter horns in front. The ends of her horns, hooves, and her five tails at tanned, with some tanner floured spots before the tanned horns and hooves. She also had red marking under her dark blue eyes.

The one with four tails was a red-furred and green-skinned monkey, with a body build of a gorilla. His eyes were yellow irises and white white pupils, spike like protrusions were along he length of the four tails, elongated blunt fangs, and two long horns curving upwards on its forehead, like a crown. In his mouth he doesn't have a tongue, but has an dime volcano shaped opening.

The large turtle had a crab like shell, spikes all over his body, and three shrimp like tails. Under his shell, he had red muscle like tissue. He had a of human like arms and hands, but no hind legs. His face is concealed between a large forehead and lower jaw, both of which have spikes. His eyes were red with crimson pupils and his right eye was constantly shut.

The fire cat was a two-tailed cat similar to a bakeneko, and is completely engulfed in flames, which are blue and black. She had heterochromatic eyes, the right one being yellow and the left being green, similar to a odd eyed cat without pupils.

The sandy-brown coloured Tanuki, with black cursed marking over his face, body and tail, being the one tailed beast. He had a jagged, concave mouth with no tongue, and the pupils of its eyes are black, with yellow irises and pupils, that each take shape of a black four pointed star with four black dots around it.

The bison-octopus hybrid gave a friendly smile towards the boy "well hello there. Sorry for his attitude"

"Hey!" The fox shouted in anger.

"I am guessing there is a reason for us being called, father" the bug one said to Hagoromo who nodded.

"Yes Chōmei" the bug one, was now identified as Chōmei, looked at Izuku and felt his chakra.

"He has the chakra of father and also others. Is he your successor, father?"

"Yes. Izuku over there is me and Hamura's successor and the new child who will bring peace to the world. A Ōtsutsuki clan member is coming to earth and only he wil be able to fight them. So I ask you all to please allow this boy to become your jinchūriki" Hagoromo told them and they al nodded and agreed with the fact that if their father trusted him and so shall they "now Izuku, this wil give you more stamina and chakra pool will grow massively. I shall tell you them all. The one with the one tail is Shukaku, the next is Matatabi, then Isobu" he pointed towards the tailed beasts and Izuku nodded and waved at them with a smile.

"Hello" he said with a big smile and Matatabi already liked him and pinched his nose, which annoyed Izuku.

"Then the next three are Son Gokū, Kokuō and Saiken" he pointed towards the four, five and six tailed beasts as they all said hello and Izuku found Son Gokū's fur comfy. Hagoromo chuckled at his childish nature but continued "and the last lot is Chōmei, Gyūki and Kurama" he pointed to them the last three and he gave a smile to them all and he found Chōmei really cool, Gyūki was strict but he didn't mind amd Kurama. Well he good himself the nickname angry old fox.

Hagoromo chuckled at Izuku's actions but called him over "now Izuku, you get new powers from them. Shukaku shall improve your magnet release and make it more power, Matatabi shall give you better reflexes to make them cat like moves that shall improve your taijutsu and the ability to use blue flames, Isobu shall give you better control of water release and to be able to control coral, Son Gokū shall make your lava release the best it can be and increases the damage you can do, Kokoū shall make swift release even better and also improve your agility, Saiken shall allow you to use bubbles and corrosive acids, Chōmei shall allow you to have a pair of wings that you can use and make you to use bugs for battle or collect intel, Gyūki will give the ability to use ink and Kurama shall allow you to sense negative emotions" after he told Izuku everything, the poor boy just stood there dumbfounded, confused and shocked which made the old man think he over did it.

"I think you should try to explain in chunks then all out of the place" Indra said while avoiding the glare of Kurama.

"No I am fine, just processing" he said before taking it all in "there is no way I am not becoming the number one hero, believe it!"

"Ashura you gave someone else a stupid catch phrase again!" Indra shouted at his brother.

"Well atleast I don't make people addicted to tomatoes!" He shouted back as they had their usual argument.

"Well lets get this started" Hamura said "your body should fully adapted in five days, giving us five years. That shall give you the time you need to train and get ready for however this threat is"

"Yeah and then I will bring the world to peace!"

Outside Izuku's mindscape:

"I am here to see my son!" a loud booming voice entered Recovery Girls office. There stood All Might.

To be continued…

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