The divorce and blooming flower

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"You heard me right, Inko. I want a divorce" Toshinori told her with Izuku by his side. The best part of this was the fact that it was a family meet up for Izumi, Toshinori just knew when to pick it.

"But why?" The greenette said with tears in her eyes.

"Why?" Toshinori repeated "don't give me that. You know damn well why"

He enters the house with Izuku behind him. They got to the living room were many looked shocked to see him. The kids were shocked to see Izuku.

"Izuku" Toshinori called out his sons name "we still have to open many more of your gifts"

"Yeah I know but that will take so long" he pouted at the end and the older blonde chuckled. 

"Toshinori" the number two hero said "it's good to see you again" he said with a smile and Toshinori returned it.

Enji Todoroki ,or more commonly known as Endeavour,  is a tall sturdily-built man with a very muscular physique. He has short crimson hair, which he wears spiked up around his head and sharp turquoise eyes. His beard and mustache appear to be made of fire, but when he voluntarily turns off the flames on his face, a small stubble shows around his jaw.

"Enji it's good to see you" he then patted Izuku ok the head "Izuku this is Enji but I think you-"

"He is Endeavour, the number two hero. I know" he said, stopping his dad's sentence and making both heroes shocked "he looks exactly like him without the fire beard" he just said and they took it as the answer.

"Sensai" a man with green and yellow hair spoke "why are you here?"

Mirai Sasaki, or more commonly known as Sir Nighteye, was a tall, lean-but-muscular man with rather sharp and elongated features. His shiny hair was always worn smoothed down and parted to his left, and was of a dark green colour, with three yellow streaks towards the front, two on his right, and one on his left. His eyebrows were also yellowish, matching the rims of the triangular glasses he wore and the strikingly bright-yellow irises of his stern-looking eyes. His looks gave off a sense of authority and power, as he rarely smiled and looks stern, and he always appeared to be glaring.

"Well I am getting a divorce" many gasps were heard in the room and the males eyes widened "the reason is the fact that I thought I could trust Inko with Izuku and Izumi but instead she only wanted a child with a quirk. I have lost love that I had once had for her and now she only reminds me of my father" he simply told them while looking at Izuku who had a big smile ok his face.

"Dad do you want to see something cool?"

"Impress me Izuku"

"Summoning Jutsu" suddenly a poof of smoke was around Izuku. Once it cleared, a fox stood there with nine tails. He summoned Kurama in his baby form.

"Hey kit, I was sleeping!" The fox barked at Izuku who only smiled.

"But I wanted to summon you, Mr big fox meany"  Izuku gave a innocent smile.

"I told you to stop calling me that!" He growled at Izuku.

"But it's true" he picked him up, as the fox rolled its eyes.

"A talking fox?" Toshinori said with pure shock, which was on everyones face "now I think I have seen everything"

"No, he can get really, really big" he told them as the fox looked at everyone. He seemed to growl when he looked at Inko and the kids.

"Anyway, Inko you will have to sign these papers and we will be divorced. I don't care what you say, I can't give a damn" Toshinori told her with no emotion in his voice. She eventually did and he left with Izuku.

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