the second day of battle training

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The day started as any other with the Yagi's. Pure and simple chaos. Kayune was trying to cook but got pissed and blew up the kitchen, Izuku was fixing said kitchen, and Toshinori was trying to find his old hero costume.

"The kitchen is evil!!!" Kayune shouted at her boyfriend, while his sweat dropped.

"Kayune, you tried to cook the microwave in the oven" she then simply stood, with her mouth open in disbelief.

"But it said to cook with the microwave, so I put it in the oven to cook it with it" she said with her head down low and the blonde only chuckled.

"Your so cute, my little fox" she just looked up at him and then saw him fix the kitchen "don't worry, we all make mistakes. Mistakes are just lessons in disguise and so we can learn from it. Your not human so your not used to these things. I am not mad at my little fox" she had a smile on her face and nodded her head, happily. They shared a kiss and Toshinori finally came down.

"Mr Yagi" Toshinori put his hand up.

"How many times have I said that you can call me dad. Your basically married to my son" she blushed a crimson, it made the Sharigan look pink.

"Ma-married to Izuku" she said and then squealed "then we will have kids and then live happily ever after!" she rambled to herself, while the older blonde chuckled and the younger one just sighed.

"Kayune" she stopped and looked in Izuku's eyes "be careful or I might accidentally make you a mum" she then fainted and both blondes chuckled.

"So what happened to the kitchen?" Toshinori asked and Izuku rubbed the back of his neck.

"Well I told her that two of the things need to be microwaved and be put in the oven, so she thought you had to put them all together. We nearly had a massive explosion, but she blew it up instead" Izuku said and the hero just shock his head with a smirk.

"I just can't wait to see how my grandchildren will be like" he saw his sons face turn red, one of the few times it happens.


"Gomen" he said with a chuckle and went to the teachers lounge, while Izuku had to get up his peacefully sleeping girlfriend.

Rabendā also slept on the couch, somehow slept through the chaos.

Timeskip: Class 1A homeroom:

Izuku and Kayune were there first again and so decided not to fall asleep this time but to have a complete make out session in there.

The doors opened as their classmates came in and saw their little love session. Many girls blushed at Izuku and how gentle he was with Kayune, as he kissed her lips and went to her neck, marking her as his. Some boys were down right jealous at the beauty with Izuku. Sometimes they would hear a noise come out of her mouth and they would be even more jealous.

They all went to their seats and saw the two lovers stop and look at everyone.

"You know it's rude to watch us and stay quite" Izuku then got up and walked over to the teacher's desk "and sensai. It's time to wake up" Aizawa got up with his caterpillar form and looked at everyone.

"Get to your seats before I decide to expell you!" They all did, as he told them to do and waited for him to speak "today class we will have a full day. Here are your timetables and don't be late to any of your classes or else" he gave his sadistic grin and they all nodded. Izuku and Kayune were asleep.

Suddenly, the door was blown away and entered a man who looked like Izuku "sorry Aizawa but Nezu wants them" he said with a nervous smile.

"Fine Toshinori" he then looked at the couple and sighed "love birds! Wake up!" They both slowly did and looked at him, while staying in the same position. Kayune on his lap with Izuku's arms around her waist, with their heads on eachothers shoulders.

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