Power of the first Ōtsutsuki

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They both were in silence. A staring contest between the two Ōtsutsuki. Hanshiki got up, before Izuku could even move or register what happened, was behind him.

"I admit, you are brave. Brave enough to step forward infront of me. To even say what you and my daughter have done." A sense of absolute fear swept in Izuku. "But I am the devil of the Gods for a reason. I made my brother, Isshiki tremble. I made Kaguya fear me that she betrayed me. I am the being that caused the first star to be destroyed." He didn't look at Izuku, but all he could feel is terror.

"Do you know of how many lives I have taken?" He asked again, moving towards the window. "I have killed many innocent, cruel, deserving and most of all." His hand went through Izuku's chest, exploding him into chakra. "You or yet to be."

Izuku opened his eyes. Fear paralysing him still. He was something far worse. A being of terror that plagued the very heart of a person. His breathing was out of control and his heart being a racing car.

"Izuku!" Kayuje called out, worried for him. "What happened?"

Izuku didn't respond, a feeling of determination spreading over him. He was far from close to his level but with training could be, hopefully.

"Kayune." He finally said. "Your father is-."

"Terrifying. I know. I woke up to that and lived with it for a very long time. You can never get used to it." She hugged him as he calmed down. "Rest, this is too much for you to handle." He nodded. Kayune helping him to their room and him resting.

Location: Izuku's mindscape

Izuku however, only saw visions of a women. She always crying and looking at him. Reaching to his face and embracing him. A feeling of comfort washing down on him.

"He is strong but you can be stronger." She only said that before leaving a very confused Izuku. Who was that. He thought he had seen her before, but his mind went blank.

He was however stopped when he heard this. "What the fuck were you thinking!?" Indra shouted at him. "Going to fight someone you know nothing about and saying you had sex with their daughter! How else did you think this would turn out! Think Izuku, think!" Izuku layed there listening to it all. He could hear the laughter of Kurama outside the house.

He got up, seeing his older brother just look at him and sighed. "Are you really that angry or proud?"

"Both." Indra told him. "You asserted your dominance like a true Uchiha, but still very reckless." Izuku sighed before his form started to change into a more peaceful form. "Forgot you had that technique from Toshinori."

"You mean were I can change the weight and look of my body? Family trait I guess." He didn't look as strong but now having a more innocent look. "I should ask dad about tips on fighting Ōtsutsuki." He thought to himself before getting up and walking around.

Izuku hadn't felt so weak in such a long time, that it felt to foreign. He was so used to being the strongest that he had lost the feeling of defeat.

A feeling of his old life starting to seep in. A tear coming from his eye. Right now he felt as weak as he did back then. Was that genjutsu Indra showed coming true? Would he fail?

He felt a hand on his shoulder, looking up and seeing Hamura looking down with a smile. "Weakness is a lesson for improvement Izuku. Just because you have failed here, does not mean you have failed all together. One failure does not make many, only if you let it, shall it." Izuku still had a gloomy look in his eyes. He wasn't feeling better yet but a little part of him was agreeing.

Izuku then decided that just maybe one thing is necessary. He needed to find a chakra fruit. Kayune and Hagoromo have told him about them. The pure fact that they grant such power would be needed quickly.

A thought then came to mind. What about he found a alternative route to one of these fruits, already having all tailed beasts, they have existed for awhile, a amount of time that would have made said fruit. Izuku technically has all the world's chakra and all chakra Kaguya gave to her sons.

In theory, this would allow him to achieve his goal. All he needed now is to find a way to get it into existence. He could create a tree in the middle of his mindscape, that would allow the production of the fruit and therefore allowing him to gain this power.

He put his hands together and thought carefully. A justsu that would allow this? He doesn't have it in his arsenal as even the Mokuton has its limits with this kind of thing.

"Senpō: Seimei no shinseina sōzō (Sage Art: Divine Creation of Life)." He said to himself. Roots started to form in the middle of the mindscape. A giant tree grew from the ground, cracks and tears in the ground forming as it grew. All inside his mind watched in awe, as Kayune outside felt the power radiate off him.

Even someone like Hanshiki, far from Earth, felt it. His mind blown as others. Did a child find a way to create Divine Trees? This one was more potent than any other he has felt before. Activating his Byakugan and seeing a sight that imprinted itself on his memory forever. Earth was surrounded by chakra, glowing like the sun in divinity.

He dropped to his knees. Such power and strength. This was far beyond all Ōtsutsuki, even the ones who were God's like himself.

Izuku opened his eyes to see what had happened. He did it, a tree was created by imputing parts of his chakra and the Earth's. Seeing the tree having a fruit. He teleported towards it.

Hagoromo looked on in shock. His son had done something that he would had considered impossible. "This is nessacy." He thought with a smile. "To defend Earth and her people, he must obtain the same power as the Ōtsutsuki but far ahead of them."

Izuku now had a fruit far beyond anything ever seen in the whole universe, all he had to do is eat it. And as he did.

The power from it alone shoot up his whole body. Almost as if he was being ripped out of time, space and reality all together. His body breaking apart as his mind was in complete chaos. He needed to control this, but how.

Location: Japan, Mustafa, Kirishima's house

Many of the class were over just because it was something to do. That was all fun, until the whole world shock in a uncontrolled Earthquake. Going past any limits they had, the world experienced a new type of Earthquake. This one having the power of destroying buildings in a simple small rumble.

It soon stopped before it got better, all the damage seemed to reverse itself.

Izuku's body changed completely. His fair skin now being more fair then any other. His eyes more pure of blue then the sky and oceans. His hair being now a glowing blonde. His chakra having no bounds, as if it was space itself.

He got up from his sleep. Kayune looking shocked beyond belief. Did he just awaken the power of the first Ōtsutsuki?

"Kayune, you look shocked." His smile now was more then just light, it was brighter then the sun. "Is something wrong?" She didn't respond as he got up. "You know what I did. I had really no choice, as the protector and guardian of Earth and its people. I must be at my strongest." She giggled, he gave a confused look until she hugged him.

"You big dumy! I just thought how powerful you become. You are what we call, The Deity." She told him, she had told him lots of the Ōtsutsuki clan stories, but never this. "Legend goes that the first Ōtsutsuki had power that dwarfed everything. His power alone could change the very fabric of time. He is after all, the first king of the Ōtsutsuki as well."

"Oh and I am basically Hamura and Hagoromo meaning I am his descendent then." She nodded but then smacked his face.

"Warm me when your going to do something like that! You really scared the crap out of me and most of the world!" She puffed her cheeks and Izuku just chuckled nervously. "Anyway, we have training to continue on and a festival to win."

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