Christmas Chapter

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(This is the first Christmas with Toshinori and also the first time I do something like this)

Snow was falling down in Japan. The day being the 25th of December. The streets covered in snow and Christmas decorations. The day jolly and the sound of laughter and cheer through out the world.

Izuku was asleep in his bed. Not knowing his dad coming through door. "I'm going through the door like Santa Claus!" The sound of his dad had made him jolt up awake. Seeing his dad in a his Christmas outfit. "Morning! Today I am Santa Might!" He said with a proud smile, Izuku rubbed his eyes and saw him.

"Dad why do you look like a buff mall Santa?" He asked innocently who chuckled, before posing.

"I am the hero of Christmas! The hero of joy and happiness!" Izuku chuckled before seeing Rabendā come in and meow.

"Rabendā what do you mean?" Izuku asked, the cat walked off and he looked up at his dad. "She said you look like a Santa on steroids." Toshinori sweat dropped and he casually walked away. Izuku was left alone in his room.

He smiled before walking to his closest and judging on what to wear. He looked throughly and decided to wear a Christmas attire.

When he came down stairs, he was blinded by the light of his dads camera. He also saw that his uncle Aizawa and Nezu had came over.

Of course Aizawa was playing with Rabendā and Nezu drinking his magic tea. He ran over and smiled at them both. "Merry Christmas Uncle Aizawa and Nezu!" He had jumped on Aizawa's lap, who looked at him and smiled.

He rubbed Izuku's head. "Merry Christmas, energetic problem child." He was blinded by the flash of Toshinori's camera.

Nezu looked confused. "What's Christmas?" They all looked at him like he was sus. "What? The 25th to me is called mercy." He looked at the readers with a evil smile.

They ignored the Evil rat and started to open presents. Izuku started first because of him being the youngest.

He opened the first one from Aizawa. It was a personal sleeping bag! It also had tutorials from Aizawa on how to use it. The secret power of thr sleeping bag.

Next was from Nezu and it was a book that was called, "how to blackmail someone, for beginners." He looked confused and Toshinori faceplamed with his smile and Aizawa fell asleep.

Next what from his dad. It was the limited addition All Might figure that were only ten known to man. "A fine addition to my collection." He said about it.

Next was from Grand Torino. It was a training kit for fast and effective kicks.

The final he wanted to open, he kinda has a lot, was from David and Melissa Sheild. It was a little workshop, so he could create his own gear.

Of course he had a gift to Rabendā and that was cat nip, basically cat weed.

Aizawa woke up and saw what happened. He slightly smiled, not at the scene but what Rabendā will do next.

Turns out they went to a party. It was for all the pro heroes and Izuku met a lot of them. Let's just say that he was spoilt that day.

Then he travelled to his mindscape to see the others for Christmas. Hagoromo was the first he found. Turns out he had something for him and it was a limited addition plushy of Kurama, he was silver that's why.

Indra was next and gave him a new move. The chidori. He used it quite a but as Sasuke so he could use it.

Ashura gave him a full length tutorial on talk no jutsu.

The tailed beasts all got him a to learn the tailed beast bomb.

So Christmas was usual for Izuku and for Izumi and that... well.

She got a letter. "Naughty bitches like you don't get anything you ungrateful piece of $&$*;=$*$&;=÷:&##&&÷;÷#*;$;÷#£#;÷&$÷*#;÷*÷&,*#*÷*#÷*÷;=*÷*÷*#*÷£÷¥÷&=^=*×¥×¥#,$;=*÷(÷*=:=*÷£÷&$;=*÷*÷&=;÷*#*=;=*#*=;=&=*¥=*÷÷(÷¥$€&/&=÷**$$£%££(×&==&$&#*÷*=&/&%€%_÷&$;%,*%(#¥÷&=!
From Santa and Jesus."


This chapter is rushed because I literally had to get it out on Christmas and it wasn't complete by this time. So I at least tried to give a chapter. I could of done better but time restrictions and that. Anyway, have a merry Christmas and a happy new year!

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