USJ pt2

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"Again!" A blue haired, pale man shouted at his daughter. She looked to be in pain with tears going down her face "tears are for the weaklings! You are my daughter! You shall not show such things!" He attacked her again.

She was going through hellish training by her father "father please!" She was silenced by a fist.

"If you have enough energy to talk, then fight me!" He punched her to the ground, with the poor girl barely breathing. The male scowled before walking away "learn from your mistakes today, I expect better from you tomorrow, Kayune" he said with not even bothering to look back at her.

The poor little girl only watched her father leave with tears falling down her face "why do you hate me!?" She shouted to her father who stopped in his tracks. He looked back with a sad look.

"I don't but you need to learn that love is a weakness" he said with a sigh, thinking today he went to far with her, it was only her first day training anyway.

Kayune got up with the little strength she had "you only lie to yourself! You do hate me!" She ran out, while the older Ōtsutsuki just looked on with a tear rolling down his face.

"If only you knew the truth Kayune, if only" he went to where she ran, seeing her cry by the river near by. It reminded him of himself when his brother would always be a selfish cunt.

Kayune suddenly felt a pair of strong arms wrapped around her. She looked up to see her father with tears coming from his eyes "I want you to remember Kayune. I don't hate you, I love you so please hate me has much as you want, but I will always love you" he said to her as she fell asleep.

"Papa… do you still love me?" A older Kayune thought to herself before waking up and seeing Izuku with concern written all over his face.

"Oh thank Kami you alright" he said as he hugged her "you looked sacred and hurt. Are you alright?" His voice was full of worry and she chuckled slightly. She always found it weird how easily scared he can get for an another.

She gave him a peck "just my dad… he is confusing, you know. I have rarely seen any emotion from him, but I know he is a softy underneath his hard exterior. It's only because of his eyes he is a bad version of himself" she finished with a sad smile. She remembered a time were he was on the floor in pain because of his eyes. She never knew a world could shake because of a scream.

"His eyes?" Izuku commented whole she gave a grim look. She never liked talking about them, but she felt he could know.

"Dad has own unique dōjutsu but can't control it, the devil eyes we call it. It basically has one drawback and that's the person becomes the opposite of themselves sometimes. Resisting the drawbacks leads to unbelievable pain and suffering for him" the blue haired girl looked up with a sad expression. Izuku was trying to find a way to brighten the mood.

Izuku chuckled to himself "do you think he is coming here then to see if your alright then?" He was actually hoping not to find out that her father was very overprotective of her when his good side was out.

"Possibly and I would like to think of it like that. Maybe he wants to meet you but probably for a fight" the blonde haired boy nodded before getting up and stretching.

"I am going to take off these seals on me, let my true appearence out, you know" Kayune slightly blushed thinking about his true form and gulped. The one thing she need is to be knocked out by him again.

"Izuku that would dangerous for me" she said with a nervous chuckle. She really did want to see it though.

"Nah, you'll be fine" he started to glow with several different colours coming off. The air became more dense, the sky's darkened and split apart the clouds.

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