Failure becomes a lesson

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Hanshiki looked amused by the number one hero. Not everyday a nobody, in his eyes, had the guts to stand up to him. He then had a idea. The power the boy had, he will draw it out. No matter what, he came for a fight and he will get it.

Izuku looked on, he couldn't bare the thought of losing his dad cause of his stupidity. He wanted to move, he wanted to fight but just couldn't.

"Son." He heard his dad speak, "No matter what, keep that smile on your face. If you let it go, it shows you have given up and lost hope!" His eyes now had a glowing blue, as the Ōtsutsuki smile grew wider, "No matter what, it proves that you are willing to fight those who are far ahead of you! It's shows the heart of true hero!"

"Stop this useless chatter." Hanshiki said with a bored look. "And fight already!" All Might seemed to think carefully, the cockiness of this man would mean that he could get a well placed blow on his opponent.

And it came to him, he would allow himself to get hit so that he can get a feel for power. He doesn't need to go full power yet, just enough that it would later surprise the Ōtsutsuki when his full power is out.

He rushed forwards, and within that second, placed a punch at Hanshiki's stomach. The impact making the male cough up some blood as he was launched backwards.

Before he could hit the wall, All Might had already arrived with a. "Detroit Smash!" Hitting him again, forming a small crator of where they were. Hanshiki was having a hard time thinking what had happened but he was mad.

"I-Impossible!" Hanshiki thought. "How can a lowly human make me bleed!" His thoughts were cut off by another punch, sending him far off, going through two buildings, while he looked to be on a ping pong table. Colliding into many things, bouncing off of them.

Izuku looked on, shocked and amazed. He never fought his dad so this was all new.

"Izu." Kayune appeared next to him, looking down. "Are you okay?" She got to his level and checked on him. She saw his eyes, regret and foolishness rushing through them. She gently held his face as she kissed his cheek. "You didn't know about the consequences, neither did I or anyone else." She spoke to him as he just lay there. She infused her chakra into him, shocking him more. "Don't look shocked, your more powerful then me. No doubt of that, you need to fight or this world will die and so will everyone on it. You fight for us." She smiled at him, trying to get him to think, "When we first met, I was like my dad. But you spoke to me and made me reconsider what I was doing. You made me feel like someone  for the first time in mh life. I don't want to lose you. I want to be with you forever." She kissed him again as Izuku thought to himself.

They both heard a large explosion, stopping their little session, as they saw Hanshiki in the sky, his face slightly bloodied and him screaming in anger.

"How dare such a low life do this!!!! I will end you, end you, end you!!!" He put his arms together and shouted. "Suffer for eternity, Shikei!" The sky turned to black as a large amount of lighting came crashing down. It hit and vaporised what it touched.

All Might simply rushed towards him, and punched him in the face. Disturbing the jutsu and it stopped. Hanshiki slightly moved back but his anger still etched onto his face.

"Damn human!!!" He screamed out and exploded into a large red chakra explosion. "I will kill everyone you love! I will make sure you suffer forever!" His face slowly turned into a smile as he grew a pair of horns that curved around his face, his teeth becoming sharp and he grew larger and bulky.

He let out a scream that sounded like beasts, blowing everything back. Making Izuku just be able to put a sheild infront of him and Kayune. All Might was able to get behind something that stopped it, "What do you think human?" His voice deeper as his hands were put together. "What do you think of level 2?" He said before appearing behind the blonde hero and smacking him into the ground. A crater forming under All Might, before getting punched repeatedly.

He put his hand up and a red orb appeared as he threw it towards him. "Be dust at my boots, Nakigoe o kaitai!" He threw it towards him. The chakra expanding into a large orb. He laughed out loud. All Might smiled, he now needed to go full power. His muscles stretched out and became larger. He was ready to face it, before it was launched away.

Hanshiki looked at Izuku who was on his feet. "Oh you finally get up." He sneered and pointed a finger at him. He was stopped by a punch from the number one hero, sending him backwards. Stopping the attack he was forming.

"I don't want to fight." Izuku said truthfully, Hanshiki heard and his anger grew. "I don't want to fight someone who can't fight himself." Izuku said, Kayune behind him, looking worried for what Izuku was planning. However, Izuku wasn't fazed at all.

"What do you mean?" Hanshiki asked, standing before him. His eyes glowed with hatred. The one thing he hated more then anything, was people claiming something about him he didn't believe.

"You let your own power corrupt you, you let your pride get the better of you. Your not Hanshiki. Your just a husk who he was." Izuku told him too his face. The man looked at him carefully. "But I will fight and I will bring bring Hanshiki back!" He said with a small smile. Hanshiki looked on as he balled up his fist.

"Give up." Hanshiki simply said to him with a disappointed look. "That is impossible and I am the true Hanshiki." He started still wondering whag he could mean.

"Baka!" He looked offended. "I don't know if you have ever hard these words before. I never give up, that's my nindo, my ninja way!" He said  definetely and with pride. "I am the last of the shinobi, my ancestors, predecessor and fellow shinobi all died, gave up there lives for this world! I will not just allow you to ruin this world!" Hanshiki started to laugh, pathetic was all he thought. How many times had he heard the same things.

"Oh please "my ninja way"!" He spat out with him holding his stomach. "You looked so defeated earlier! What you gonna do? Tickle me!?" He laughed, almost unable to stand properly.

He saw Izuku smile before a large amount of chakra started to build up in him. Hanshiki eyes widened as Izuku's skin turned pale, becoming his sage of six paths form.

"Say all you wanted was a fight?" Izuku asked, his eyes now being the Rinne-Tenseigan. Hanshiki looked impressed by the combination, "You could of asked, you know. But you came to my planet, nearly killed my girlfriend, attacked innocent people, and attempted to kill my dad." One of the orbs behind him, reshaped itself into a staff, which Izuku grabbed on to, "I'll make sure to send you to Kagaya." Hanshiki looked pissed at the mention of her and he tried to punch Izuku, but he avoided him, smacking him in the face with his staff. Making him spin before landing on the ground.

Hanshiki got up with a pissed expression, "That was one lucky hit. Your still too weak to beat me! That form should only last around ten minutes! You can't win." He said but Izuku lifted his hand, before a rasengan appeared in his hand, "Are you even listening to me?"


"What the fu-!" Before he could finish, he was hit in the stomach by the rasengan. Hanshiki was shocked but he couldn't react when he saw something he would thought hw would never see. Izuku pulled his arm around Kayune's waits and pointed at Hanshiki.

"Told you!" He smirked at him, the Ōtsutsuki was pissed beyond belief. And before long, tried to kill him. But was sent to the building, sat in a chair before going through it. He had the chair.

"This is going to be good." He thought, getting ready to continue the fight.

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