the first day

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A week has past since the entrance exam, Izuku was sleeping as Kayune slept on his chest. Izuku slowly opened his eyes to see the new day hitting him like a truck. The sun rays clashing on his fair skin, his eyes shinned like a cave full of gems.

He slowly came fully awake as he felt Kayune sleeping on his chest. He smiled and he gave a peck ok her forehead. He then felt her move as she woke up.

"Morning sleeping beauty" he said with his signature smile.

"Izu, you always find ways to call me new things" she giggled and he rolled his eyes.

"There isn't enough words in any language to describe your beauty"the blue haired girl had steam come out of her ears before she looked away with a pout.

"I could say the same thing for you being handsome" she said back while he chuckled.

"Maybe with me but a goddess like you then" he came to her ear "there will never be, my little fox~" he whispered in her ear as she became a tomato, Sasuke would be very confused.

"Y-you c-can't say t-things l-like t-that" she stuttered out while he gave a flirty smirk.

"Aren't you the one always saying about wife points" he then hugged her by the waist "I wonder about mum points" Kayune blew up in a blush as she fainted while thinking about kids.

He chuckled nervously "that hasn't happened in a long time" he spoke while he heard the laugh of Son Gokū.

"You completely knocked out the poor girl" he continued to laugh, as Izuku then glared at him until Kayune woke up.

"Izu-kun you weren't serious were you?" She asked with a huge blush.

"I just like seeing your cute reactions, so I do it" he then got a playful punch from her, while she also pouted.

"It's not very nice" she said and he poked her cheek.

"Not for you, but for me" he gave a smile that stole her heart "I get to see my beautiful goddess be even more cute" she blushed but looked away with a pout again.

Suddenly the door was bursted open by Toshinori. He had a huge smile on his face as he looked at the two lovers. Kayune locked in Izuku's arms with a huge blush ok her face.

"Did I walk in on something?" He asked with a nervous chuckle, while both teens became flustered.

"No!" They both shouted at him while he nodded his head before coughing in his hand.

"Right, anyway I am here to say that you both are in UA!" He smiled at the teens while they both had their own, before the principal of the school came out of no where.

"And I have a proposal for you both" he said cheerfully "I would like for the both of you to be the heads of classes that belong in the first year"

"What do you mean?" Kayune asked, while looking at Izuku's abs.

"You will have the same authority as a teacher, just like teh big three expect I have a name for you guys already" they looked on while he held a piece of paper up "The Kages"

It was shocking for them, but you don't know that Nezu knew about the time of Shinobi and so did Toshinori. How? Well Izuku told them and Hagoromo told him too.

Kayune liked it while Izuku smiled at the name "It's nice but can we get changed now" Izuku asked and they nodded and walked out.

"Izu-kun, I sense my father coming to Earth" Kayune said, while looking down.

"We will beat him. We will have to" he gave her a peck on the lips and she smiled.

"Izuku" she said while kissing his cheek "can we enjoy today as a couple?"

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