the Mangekyo and training

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Izuku's mindscape, start of the second year: (reason is I would rather like to show what he learns in fights)

Izuku looked at Indra in confusion. He had talked earlier about a the fourth and fifth form of the Sharigan, but he was incredibly confused.

Izuku was now wearing similar clothes to Indra and Ashura and his just being smaller.

"I'll go over it again" Indra said with a frustrated sigh "even though you haven't mastered the third state of the Sharigan, I can still give you the fourth form. This would progress the Sharigan to have three tomoe on both eyes and to have the Mangekyo Sharigan, plus the Enternal Mangekyo Sharigan" he repeated his words while Izuku nodded and got up.

"How?" He said with a shinning smile and Indra felt really bad. It was like his brother had gotten smaller, and younger and he had to put him through that experience.

"Just look into my eyes" Indra said as they turned to lines swirling, originating from the pupil. Izuku looked into the eyes, as he was then placed into a genjustu of him failing to do what Hagoromo told him he would do. He saw chaos and carnage with no peace or freedom.

He then saw his old life and all the torment he had went through. He saw Indra, Ashura, Hamura, and Hagoromo dead. He cried at the loss of his new family and looked on in terror, as a giant beast with ten tails shot a ball at him.

"Izuku snap out!" Indra shouted as he hugged the boy "it's not real, it was a genjustu so you could unlock the Mangekyo Sharigan" he said as Izuku cried over as the feeling of him being a failure spread though him, as Indra told him he wasn't.

Ashura wanted to check what was going on, saw them and realized what happened. He put a hand on Izuku's shoulder and gently smiled as he also embraced him.

Izuku felt so warm between them "is this what a family feels like?" He said quietly, as the two brothers simply gave a yes or a nod. Izuku soon fell asleep in their arms.

"Nii-san, were you sure he was ready?" Ashura asked his older brother who nodded.

"I thought he could and I know he can get over it. Remember what father said about the threat. It is best for him to unlock as many powers, as early as possible, so I have him the power of the Mangekyo" Indra replied and looked sad "I don't want him to suffer. Not like us"

"I know Nii-san"

Few hours later:

Izuku felt warm and snuggled into what ever he was curled up in as he heard a snicker.

"It looks like Kurama has a soft spot for blondes" he heard Matatabi tease Kurama, and he then noticed he was sleeping on Kurama.

"Shut it fire cat" Kurama hissed and the other tailed beasts just laughed, as the blonde got up.

"Thank you mister big fox miney" he said with a smile while the fox huffed at the neck name.

"Yeah, yeah kit. Just get back to training" he told him, as Izuku smiled and ran to the training area he had in his head.

His mindscape had many changes. It was no more a sewer but a vast land, complete with mountains, forests and lakes. In the centre was where Hagoromo, Indra, Izuku, and Ashura lived with a training ground with their house looking like the Ōtsutsuki compound.

Their were nine biomes as well for each tailed beast. Their was a desert fro Shukaku, a volcanic land for Matatabi and son Gokū, a river for Isobu, Saiken and Gyūki, open lands for Kokoū, and a forest for Kurama and Chōmei.

Izuku ran to the compound as he looked up and saw the moon in there, were Hamura was. He quickly got to the compound and heard Hagoromo planting some plants as he sneaked up on him. He waited for the perfect and time and then did a sneak attack hug, which shocked Hagoromo but he gave one back.

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