Battle training?

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(continuation of the last chapter so it isn't as long)

Izuku and Mina were outside the building, waiting to be let in. Mina was slightly afraid because of Izuku's smirk.

"Hey Yagi" she finally said and he turned round "do you have a plan?"

"Kayune is far too strong for you so I will deal with her. You deal with Yaoyorozu" he told her and she nodded.

"So have you and Kayune dome anything more then making out?" She asked and Izuku turned to her.




"What does 'hn' mean!?"

"Hn means hn"

"Is it some weird language"


"Answer me god damnit!"



In observation room:

"Sir, do you know what that means?" Asked Uruaka and the blonde hero turned around and shock his head.


Back with Izuku:

"Is there subtitles!?"


"Stop doing that!"


"Say one hn again and then your going to regret it"

Izuku looked at her, smiled and then got a tomato out of nowhere and ate it.

"How did you even do that!?"

"Only people who know the way of the hn shall understand" Izuku told her and she stared blankly at him.

"Is it some weird cult?"

"Did you just say the way of the hn is just some weird cult?" Izuku said with his Sharigan blazing.

Inside Izuku's mindscape:

"Lies and deceit! She deserves death!" Indra shouted with him screaming insult after insult.

"Nii-san the language is weird" Ashura told him, receiving a glare from the other male "how long do I have before you start chasing me?"

"Five seconds"

"Ok see ya" the blonde Ōtsutsuki ran as fast as he could, while being chased by Uchiha.

Outside his mindscape:

"Ok, so you understand the way of the hn yet?" The blonde asked, while the alien-like girl and she was super confused.

"Where do I even start?" She looked at the book he gave her, which all the words were just hn "I can't read it!"

"What do you mean? It's fairly easy" Izuku told her and picked up the book.

"HERO TEAM CAN ENTER!" Izuku and her got inside as he placed two fingers on the ground.

"Yaoyorozu is on the top floor, my little fox is very close" he said to his teammate who nodded "go up now, I'll deal with my girlfriend" he said while running towards her, Naruto style.

Izuku reached the floor and smirked before putting his hands together and then out them out "Ranton: Reizā Sākasu" purple lighting came from his hands, making the whole room be blasted by the purple lighting. Kayune jumped form her spot to get away from it.

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