First day after USJ (don't question)

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(This chapter is a chapter were I went "fuck it, let's make Izuku and Kayune do stuff in their time off school" and then November came, enjoy)

The day after Izuku made UA know pain for real, he and Kayune were sitting in their home, with them in each others arms watching a movie. "Izu, do you like the idea of a little girl?" Kayune asked the blonde who smiled, kissing her forehead.

"I don't mind Kayune." He simply responded to his girlfriend. The wind outside was soft, as Izuku looked on with a smile outside. "Kayune how about we have a match. We never have fought each other at our full strength. Oh and don't use my six paths power as an excuse for not to go full out. I know you have yet to show your true power against me." Kayune just looked away before sighing herself.

"Well it's hard to get the spotlight  when your boyfriend is basically God." She pouted to him and he just sighed before smirking.

He then wrapped his arms around her waist. "Kayune, little fox. I'm sorry for taking your spotlight. As a way if saying sorry I will give you your favourite meal for a whole week." He gave her the option, receiving a pout-glare from his girlfriend before she nodded.

Izuku then activated his EMS and, using kamui, disappeared into the dimension of kamui.

Location: kamui pocket dimension

A giant orb of dark red chakra flew out of Kayune's hand at Izuku who absorbed it using his Rinnegan. A smile appeared on Kayune's face, a crazed-obsessed smile. She launched at him, connecting a punch to his stomach and sending him through two blocks.

"I wonder if you can deflect this one." Kayune giggled as she raised her arm into the air, chakra forming into a large sphere of chaos inside. "Now this move is one of my father's favourite, Ōtsuki fukushū: Shi no warai (ōtsutsuki Revenge: Death's Laugh)." She threw it towards Izuku who just got out of the rubble. He gained a smile of his own before being engulfed in a dark blue dance of chakra.

"Two can play at that game, little fox." A massive explosion of light eclipsed Kayune's attack as the figure of Izuku's perfect susanoo formed. Once formed, light brightened and lightened as both palms on Izuku's susanoo gained markings of the sun and moon. The eyes also changed from being a gleoing red to a bright turquoise.

Kayune looked up and down, before her body was engulfed by a purple chakra. "Don't think your not the only one with a trick like that." She said quietly before a violent explosion of purple came from her. Standing in her place could only be described as a oni-samurai. Before a second could go past, the violent beginning sound of the battle began.

Swords clashed, axes raised, spears locked in place. As a clash between the titans happened, the landscape of the pocket dimension vanished, only remains of ruins to show that it existed.

A few hours went by, with Izuku just being able to beat his girlfriend in base form. They were exhausted but both enjoyed every second of it.

"I think that's enough for today." Ixuju said, with a nod from Kayune. Just having the energy  to get then out, Toshinori saw his son and his girlfriend come out of a vortex, sweaty, exhausted and happy. You can only guess what went through his mind.

"What the actual FUCK!" Toshinori shouted, transforming into All Might. "AND AM I EXPECTING GRANDCHILDREN SOON THEN!?" He asked, curious but then got a glare from them both, deflating and shutting up.

A few hours later
Location: Japan, Mustafa, UA, Yagi Resistance

Kayune was washing her hair before she heard a sound of her boyfriend blowing something up. She looked into their room and saw him looking at a whole in the wall. "Izu, you didn't." She said threateningly, he looked back and smiled. "No stop!"

"True art." "No, no, no!" "Is made." He showed a painting of them together. Of course you don't see it reader's but I know and let's just say, Izuku got his butt handed to him. He tried.

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"Kayune." Izuiu said to his girlfriend  who punched the wall. "I know, know but this is a tradition on Earth."

"Why!?" She shouted at him who shrugged.

"One does not simply question no nut November, one follows." He said before looking at her. "Oh and the fact that I have a angry brunette in my head right now."

Inside his head:

"This month is torture!!!" Ashura screamed while Indra took a sip of his tea, looked at him, shrugged, hned, did a tak as well, took another sip, looked back at his phone and saw it was November, looked back up at Ashura, took another sip of his tea, put it down on the table, got up, walked to Ashura and slapped him in the face, walked back to his seat, sat down and took a sip and realised his toast was missing.

"Ashura, where is my toast?" He said darkly, while the brunette got crumbs off his face.

"Crazy story but a witch, who was kinda a bitch, came along and stool your toast on a stool." He said, looking back at Indra, gulping at his brother violent red eyes, slowly backed away, then full out ran away, grabbed a stool and toast and flew away.

(This is what November does to me people)

Indra looked shocked before Hagoromo came in and looked at Indra suspiciously. "Indra, have you seen where my tea is?"

Indra out the cup down and finished "his" tea. "Funny story, the guy who writes this story is British, came in and drank all the tea, left singing the English national anthem, stabbed Ashura and disappeared." Hagoromo raised a eyebrow, Indra gulped, got up, picked up a tea and drank it, left singing and stabbed Ashura before disappearing.

Outside his mind:

"Should I want too know?" Kayune asked, getting a immediate answer  of no before Izuku looked at her and music started to play.

"Kayune here is some advice for life to remember. It is better to shit in the shower, then shower in the shit."

"Izuku what happened?" She asked concerned before the music grew louder.

"Naruto and Sasuke might of beaten Ōtsutsuki but I am on a different level, I fuck them." He looked at his girlfriend who blushed massively  before Izuku decided to send a message with chakra somewhere.

Location: Space, Ōtsutsuki Hanshiki ship

"Who in space Jesus are you?" Hanshiki asked Izuku who smiled at him.

"I'm the guy that fucked your daughter, believe it!" He shouted at him, looking at the face of the man who looked at him shocked.

"You mean to say that you fucked my daughter and come to me to say this."

Cliffhanger, see what happens next time on The New Sage Of Six. Will Hanshiki actually realise Izuku fucked his daughter and broke the boundaries of soundproof rooms? Will the author stop smoking meth next time? Find out in probably  another month.

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