the number one hero

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Japan wasn't always governed by heroes. It was once a war between heroes and villians, with no clear winner. Those who became heroes, where told that they would have a low chance of survival, so their numbers were very few. Only the ones with the courage to do this task did it, but they all perished with only two known heroes that survived. Grand Torino and Recovery Girl.

But this all change one day. A hero with a smile that brang hope to others came to the scene. He single handedly dropped crime in Japan. His catch phrase being "I am here!" Children would grow up saying these words.

Of course his greatest achievement was taking down the biggest villian of that era, All For One. An evil so vile that even the pits of hell were disgusted. The complete opposite of the hero who ended his rule.

All For One was a name feared and everyone knew it but, thanks to the hero, he was turned into a myth and forgotten.

The hero was regarded as the symbol of peace, All Might! The number one hero of the world.

But the one thing that he feared was his family, especially his son who was born quirkless. So in hopes of protecting them, he left them, so he didn't bring attention to them but it would appear that he needed to a dad once more.

Japan, Mustafa, UA, Recovery office, 9 PM:

All Might stood over his son while looking down with regret. His son was probably in a coma and if something attacked him, then he got of done something to protect him.

All Might is a very large man, with an equally muscular and well defined physique, resembling a western comic book hero. He had chiseled features on his face with a strong jaw line, pronounced cheek bones, and busy eyebrows.

"Apparently the boy was found like this on his schools roof by Aizawa" the old hero told to the tall man who saw what was going on "we thought his quirk was going to awaken or it awakened because of his changes, but we have no idea of what it could be. It could well and truly be the next stage of quirks" she said as the hero sat by his son.

"Why did he stay after hours?" All Might asked her and she didn't know.

"I don't know Yagi but you better go to Inko about this" The old women order him and he nodded quickly.

"I'll call her right now!" He quickly left the room and called her, but he did not know that this would be the final moments he would ever consider Inko anything.

<Toshi! How are you?> He heard her voice and one thing that came to mind was why she didn't sound sad or anything.

"No the time Inko. Our son-"

<We only have a daughter though> All Might stood there as those words alone made him realize what the life his son went through, just like his childhood.

"Inko I will say this once" his voice no longer having its happy tone to it but a serious and deadly tone "our son, Izuku is in hospital at UA" he told her and he got a answer he hated the most.

<Toshi, why do you care for the quirkless disgrace?> the without a second passing, he crushed the phone in his hand. He hadn't been this mad since the last time he fought All For One. He walked back I to the room with just regret, anger and disbelief painted on his face.

"You look like you could kill someone right now" Recovery Girl said with a questioning expression.

"I need Nezu right here" All Might told the old women, who was now intrigued.

"I am guessing she said something that got you mad" Chiyo said as she looked at Izuku, sometimes his body changed slightly or had a reaction. She would always try to figure out why but couldn't.

Inside Izuku's mindscape, first year:

Izuku had made progress in the weeks that flew by. He had always trained and never needed to sleep, but still rested after training.

His weekly routine was simple:
Monday - study the history of nishu with Hagoromo and Hamura
Tuesday - learn more of how to use the Byakugan with Hamura
Wednesday - Indra's training, which was more like toture
Thursday - Ashura's training and learning how to use wood release
Friday - learning with one tailed beast for two and a half hours
Saturday - learning the five basic elements with all four Ōtsutsuki
Sunday - rest.

It was nice for him and he felt the affects of the training. He could hold the Byakugan for 10 minutes, had one two tomoe Sharigan in his left eye, with the right eye having one tomoe, his ninjutsu was mid Chunnin level, his taijutsu was low Jonin and his Kenjustsu was high Chunnin.

He had also been able to use magnet release thanks to Shukaku, lave release thanks to Son Gokū, and Swift release thanks to Kokoū.

He has also learned that his Byakugan was three times stronger then what humans would have thanks to Hamura being a Ōtsutsuki clan member.

We now see Izuku clash his sword with Indra's sword. Even though he was not as good as Indra, he was able to use other ways to help him in his training. He used swift release to help him react and strike faster but he was not on Indra's level.

Their training session was coming to a end as Indra blocked another swing. He crouched down and punched Izuku in the stomach, sending him into the wall.

"Your going to have to be quicker, Izuku. You rely to much on the swift release to get me" Indra said as Izuku recovers from teh hit and got out of the rubble.

Indra rushed quickly to Izuku and disappeared, to only pop up at his left side. He was about to hit him with the sword but Izuku ducked down as a red, crimson glow come from his right eye and veins building pressure at his left eye.

Indra quickly activated his Sharigan and dodged the hit but had a smirk present on his face "using the Byakugan and Sharigan at the same time, huh. Haven't seen or heard of that one but it only makes it more interesting" he infused his sword with lighting chakra and appeared behind Izuku "but the one weakness is that you need both Byakugan to see nearly 360 degrees" he brang his sword down quickly and Izuku was just able to dodge and breathing hard as he couldn't hold the two dōjutsus at once, as he fell to the ground, exhausted.

Indra was very happy with his progress and helped him up "you know something" he said to the blond "you might just be the most powerful person in the future" he said and saw the boy fall asleep in his arms while he chuckled "just like Ashura" and with that he allowed Izuku to rest after a long day.

Outside Izuku's mindscape:

Nezu entered the room, seeing All Might, in his tire form, sitting next to Izuku. Toshinori's true form is incredibly different to his buff form. He has sharp, angular featured and long limbs, and his eyebrows absent. He possesses a large scar that covers the most of the left side of his chest, with him spitting out blood when he is excited or surprised. His hero costume was also really big on him so it looked like he was a child in big clothes.

"You called for me, Toshinori" Nezu said while looking at his old student who nodded.

"Nezu, can you help me with a divorce?" He asked and he looked shocked before smiling kindly.

"I am guessing that your wife had made Izuku live a life like your childhood?" He questioned Toshinori who nodded.

"Of course you would figure it out" he chuckled and Nezu softly nodded before sitting down next to him "Nezu, do you think he is worthy? You know for my quirk" he asked and Nezu thought about it before looking at the number one hero.

"It matters what his dream is and his heart but if I truly go by who you are and compare you lives then I have no doubt that he will be perfect" Nezu said while drinking a tea he magically made.

"I guess your right" he looked at Izuku "at least I can be your number one dad" he said and Nezu chuckled happily. He found it fun to know that even in the worst of times, Toshinori could make something positive, something that made him as good of a hero as he is.

In space:

"This chakra keeps on going incredibly fast!!! I love it, love it, LOVE IT!!!! I want the fight now! Once I get to Earth! I will make sure I find you!!!!" She let out a crazed laugh after as she darted off more, moving as fast as she could.

[Estimated arrival time - 2 years]

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