entrance exam

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Two years have past, since the events of Izuku's new life began.  Izuku had become somewhat of a figure of peace already. Rumours around Mustafa say about him and how the world interacts with him. They say that he is a God who walks, as when he steps into a new place, the plant life around them becomes more beautiful.

Izuku being outside is said to be a symbol of good luck for any who see him. Many have tried to find out more about him or even what he is, his power, and if he is a God.

The day went as any normal on this one. Izuku's long blonde hair waving in the gentle wind as he passed. The air becoming cleaner and softer as he walked around. Those who saw him took a moment to look at him. Some even saying the strand of his hair alone could make someone have a enternity of luck.

When Izuku saw someone, he waved with a gentle smile, which caused the women and some men to blush. He would then walk away.

His light blue eyes shined in the sun, and the reflection of the sun made them shine more then a diamond. As he came to his usual place to stop, he noticed a few people near by. They seemed to be people who try to get stuff about him and he sighed. "Wouldn't be the first time" he thought in his head.

He then heard a few gasp as he heard one wispeared saying that he was there. He entered the shop and went to find something, a necklace for Kayune.

He spent a few minutes before he heard the door open again and then sensed the danger, he sensed the negative emotions radiating from him, so he knew he would have to do something.

"Hey lady" he said while putting his hand in his pocket "you better empty that register or else I might blew your fucking brains out" he pulled out a gun as Izuku felt people watching from outside, even a few calling the police.

"Pl-please do-don't do do any-anything. I m-need this mo-money or else I I won't be be a-able to pay for my mo-mothers treatment" she felt afraid as she pleaded but the man pulled the gun go her face.

"Well yeah a have a nice body and face. You could be my personal slut for the money than" he gave a sinister smile "now take out the money and then we can have-" he was suddenly stopped. Actually he wasn't even in the same position anymore. He was on the ground, knocked out while Izuku was over him.

"You people disgust me" he said quietly before looking to the poor girl "you said there is a problem with your mother right?" She nodded and he gave his gentle smile "here, if I give you 200,000 dollars then you should be able to do it fine. You should also treat you family with it as well"

"S-sir you don't have too" she said with tears in her eyes, but he simply out the money in he hands.

"To me, making people happy is the best thing I can do. If I can do a bit of good then I won't hesitate, remember that" he told her, as he held up the necklace "but how much is this?"

"Free" she said with a smile "as a gift from me" he gave a chuckle and put it in his pocket before picking the guy up and walking outside.

Once he got outside, he heard cheers, as many clapped for him saving the day. The police arrived he gave the villian to them and in a yellow flash, Izuku was gone.

One police officer looked at one of the others "that kid is going far"

"If he doesn't become a hero them what is the world" a other said. The girl who worked there looked out of the window and frowned slightly.

"I never got his name" she then looked at the desk to see Izuku written on it and she just stood there shocked "how did I not see that there?"

Japan, Mustafa, UA, Yagi residence:

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