Author's Note :)

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Hey there, my lovely readers!!!

I just wanted to let you guys know how much I appreciate all your support for this story! I absolutely love reading all of your comments. They make me laugh and smile knowing you guys are enjoying the story and all of Casey and Embry's shenanigans!

This story means a lot to me and I am trying my best to write, edit, and post more chapters for you guys but time keeps getting away from me. So, I'm sorry for the long periods between uploads!

But don't worry! I am completely invested in finishing this story and continuing forward through all of the Twilight Saga series. It's just gonna take some time for me to get things done to my personal satisfaction.

I am a perfectionist that refuses to post chapters unless I feel that they are up to my high expectations because I want to make sure you guys love the storyline! I am currently working on the next chapter, but I have college work to do as well, which can delay my writing/editing schedule. It sucks, to put it simply.

I've also been struggling with my health issues over the last year, on top of all my school work, which has not made writing any easier. But I believe I'm out of the worst of things right now, and I'm feeling very optimistic 😌.

I WILL be finishing this story and continuing to bring you all along on Casey's crazy adventure! I love you guys so much!! It's the readers that truly makes a story so much better because I love knowing my writing has resonated with you all! So again, thank you for everything!!

I'm going to try and finish the next chapter this week or next week, depending on how horrific my homework load is 😅.

If you guys ever need anyone to talk to or have any questions about the story or anything else, my messages are always open!

Thank you for being amazing, my lovelies!

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