Black Raisin x fem! Reader (Rewritten)

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Black Raisin could see something in the very distance, at first she thought her eyes were playing tricks on her, seems like they weren't...

The "thing" in the distance kept coming until she could finally make out what seemed to be.. a group of cookies.

She could finally see the cookies who were in the group, a gingerbread cookie, a cookie who was made of strawberry, a cookie who was dressed as a wizard, a cookie who she swore has seen before, somewhere, possibly on a poster and a cookie who, was wearing royal garments but one cookie caught her eye, this cookie was made of (f/f).

Once they got close enough, Black Raisin jumped off the tree she was staying in.

"Halt! What brings you outlanders to these barren lands?" She yelled out to the foreign strangers who stand before her.

"Eek! Cookies actually live here!?" Gingerbrave shireked, not expecting someone to jump out of a decaying tree.

"Me and my village live here. Now, answer my question, Why. Are. You. Here?" She asked through gritted teeth and with a menacing aura surrounding her.

Strawberry and Gingerbrave shuddered in fear, Chili just rolled her eyes, Custard could care less about the situation, Y/n was standing behind Wizard, using him as a shield just in case.

"W-well, we're here to defeat Dark Enchantress.." Y/n spoke up, barely above a whisper yet somehow Black Raisin managed to hear her.

Black Raisin softened her sharp gaze for a moment before snapping her head to a sudden sound in the distance.

"We're under attack! Stay in your homes! " She yelled to the villagers, realizing the sound was from cake hounds making their way over to the village.

The villagers did as she told, while she called her crows to help her in battle.

"Outlanders, you should go to the village and take shelter, i'll deal with the cake hounds." She said while glancing over at the distance, the hounds were running at a gallop, closing in quite quickly.

"No! We'll help you fight!" Gingerbrave interjected with a determined face, Strawberry agreeing to whatever he just said.

Gingerbrave looks to the other party members for confirmation, Wizard just sighs and goes along with it, Y/n nods hesitantly, Custard was being pissy but whatever it takes to become king, and then Chili, just shrugged as if to say 'don't care as long as i get something out of this'.

Black Raisin acknowledged their courage and bravery, showing off a small smile before quickly returning her stern looking face as she faced the oncoming horde of cake hounds.

*que epic battle scene or whatever*

"Whew! That was the last of them!" Gingerbrave exclaimed out of exhaustion and relief.

"Indeed, what a fierce battle..." Y/n muttered, agreeing to what Gingerbrave said, though she seemed to shake a bit after what happened.

Strawberry pat her on the back, seemingly trying to comfort her.

Black Raisin watched the scene with a murderous glare, as if she was about to kill Strawberry for trying to comfort her friend.

Strawberry quickly withdrew her hand? Nub? I have no idea what to call them but you get it.

Black Raisin didn't know why she felt this way toward that gorgeous, god-like, shy yet formal, regal, elega- ok, ok, we get the idea Black Raisin.

She didn't know why she felt drawn to this specific cookie, as if their fate was meant to be tangled together.

She quickly snapped out of her thoughts and stared at Gingerbrave waved his nubs infront of her face.

"Oh! Um, would you... like to join us on our journey to defeat Dark Enchantress?" Gingerbrave asked, in a nervous tone.

Black Raisin looked over at Y/n and nodded her head without a second thought.

"Wait! Please take me with you!" Exclaimed a cookie who was staggering with every step, using his staff to help him up.

"Healer cookie! You shouldn't come with us! It's a dangerous journey!" Black Raisin exclaimed in refusal, clearly not allowing him to join.

"You need a healer! Someone to help you along the way! Take me with you!" The cookie, who's name was revealed to be "Healer Cookie" pleads with all his might.

Black Raisin, seeing as there's no other choice, bedgrugingly allows him, but not without saying goodbye to the villagers, of course.

Black Raisin says her final goodbyes to the villagers before walking away, towards Gingerbrave and his group.

Will this journey have a good ending or bad ending?

Hello my dear readers! I couldn't ignore this any longer, so i've rewritten it until my brain thought it was less cringe than it was before, pretty sure my writing style has changed.

I couldn't exactly write this story along the damn storyline because i can no longer remember what happened.

So please do bear my forgetfulness. >\\\\<

P.S, will probably rewrite the whole book cuz it's too cringe for me to handle!

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