Lilac x Flan cookie(OC)

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This is a request from: Audennetannanda, this is just what i wanted to say: Your OC is very well thought out.

As Flan was walking through the Bazaar in Yogurca hoping to buy coffee to wake her up a little bit,but was distracted along the way as she saw a childhood friend: Yogurt Cream.

"Yogurt Cream!" Flan sleepily exclaimed as she ran over to where Yogurt Cream was, "Oh! Flan, fancy seeing you here!" Exclaimed Yogurt Cream.

"What are you doing here?" Asked Flan, "Hmm, nothing much really, just shopping for accessories and clothes".

"Ah really? And also, who is that cookie behind you?" Asked Flan while looking over to where Lilac was.

"Ah yes! I forgot to introduce him! His name is Lilac, he's my bodyguard!" Said Yogurt Cream as he introduced Lilac to Flan.

As Lilac finally looked over to Flan not really caring about the cookie who knows his master. 

As he looked over he thought 'oh? This is the cookie who knows master? She looks... pretty, sleepy but pretty...'

As Lilac shaked her hand, Yogurt Cream was talking to the merchant asking what accessories are the most beautiful since Yogurt Cream wanted to buy Flan something as a gift for not seeing each other for years.

Even if Flan didn't need any of the accessories, she knows that Yogurt Cream wouldn't take no for an answer so she just went along with it.

"Lilac!", Yogurt Cream yelled as he wanted Lilac to carry the groceries for him.

Lilac just sighed and carried the groceries while the two were talking to each other hoping to catch up on lost time.

"Flan, would you like to come back with us to the mansion?" Asked Yogurt Cream as Flan's mouth dropped as she heard the word mansion.

"M-mansion? YOU HAVE A MANSION!?" She seemed to wake up at the fact she was going to a mansion.

All the other cookies just stared at the cookies with a 'what?' Face, Yogurt Cream had to shush her as it was embarrassing.

Through what seemed liked hours of walking they finally went back to the mansion, Flan was really shocked since it was so big.

"We're here~" said Yogurt Cream as he unlocked the front door to let Flan in, Lilac had already put the groceries away when Flan and Yogurt Cream had entered the living room.

Yogurt Cream left Flan on the couch to go get some food, Lilac though it was a good time to make friends with Flan, as he approached the couch he heard some snoring.

It seems that the couch was so comfortable that Flan had fallen asleep on it, Lilac had to be quiet as to not wake her up.

Lilac gathered a blanket to keep her warm and sat beside her, as she was sleeping it seems that Lilac had pressed a kiss to her forehead.

A few hours later~

She had woken up from her slumber, she looked over to the side and saw Lilac sleeping by the side of the couch and a tray of what seems to be.... Hot Cocoa? 

It seems he fell asleep waiting for her to wake up, then she silently stood up and put a blanket over Lilac to keep him warm, she fell asleep once again but this time with a smile on her face knowing that he probably likes her as a crush.


Alright, done! I think i'm gonna do a part 2 cuz i can't just leave a oneshot without the reader having dates with their favorite character.

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