Earl Grey x shy! Maid! Reader

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Request of: MidnightDonutFox

Bloopers for my lovely readers~~

*Vibing to Encanto while writing this oneshot*

"Isabella ur boyfriends here! (Ahahah)"

 "Time for dinner~~"

*Barges in* "Author!!!"




"Oh wait, I forgot i recruited you to replace Purple Yam, sorry Mala :'D"

"Wait why are you in my room-"

Okay, that's enough bloopers, let's get on with the story~~

Earl Grey, as usual is serving customers, here and there. While a certain someone who was just recruited yesterday but somehow knows the mechanics of being a maid at a hotel was cleaning up a room for a customer, but let's be honest here, Y/n only agreed to clean the room mainly because.

1. They had no choice but to do so.

2. They wanted to get away from the large group of customers who wanted to get checked into the hotel.

And 3. The sooner they are done, the sooner they get to play Chess with Chess Choco.

Y/n cleaned the room until nothing was out of place nor disorganized,but there were still dirty laundry so with that they gathered up whatever that needed to wash, placed it in a basket, carried it and left to go downstairs to the laundry room.

(Like most animes/stories, i shall make the laundry that needs to get washed tall enough that whoever is carrying them can't see where they are going)

Y/n... honestly couldn't see where they were going, since they gathered up ALL the laundry 'cause they didn't want to go upstairs again to get the other batch of laundry. As Y/n was walking the hallway, someone else was there but on the other end.

And with that, they bumped into... you guessed it! Earl Grey. 

As they bumped into each other, the leaning tower of Pisa... I-I mean the leaning tower of laundry went flying all around the hallway as Earl Grey's glasses got knocked off his face and went flying as well.

"Oh no! I'm so sorry! I'll fix this up right away!" Y/n exclaimed as they realized who they bumped into, but Earl Grey was just frozen out of confusion. Who knows what was going on through his mind? Perhaps he was wondering where his glasses went or perhaps he was wondering who he bumped into? We may never know😔.

Earl Grey snapped out of his daze and immediately focused on finding his glasses, but with his poor Velma ass eyesight, he couldn't find them.

Y/n noticed he had difficulty locating his glasses even though THEY WERE INFRONT OF HIM. So Y/n being their usual Y/n self, they decided to help him put on his glasses.

Y/n stood up, picked up his glasses and put it on his face. And they also reached out their hands as if gesturing for Earl Grey to take them and help himself up.

"Hello mr. Earl Grey, are you okay? Do you need help getting up?"

Earl Grey looked up at Y/n, their faces were so close that anyone could mistake them for kissing. But thankfully no one was there to watch the embarrassing situation they were in.

Earl Grey noticed their faces were close so he turned away, but accepted Y/n's helping hand.

"You are...Ms/Mr. Y/n L/n, if memory serves right?" Earl Grey asked.

"Yes, mr. Earl Grey, I am Y/n L/n, I have just been recruited yesterday, but it is a pleasure to meet you in person"

"There is no need for formalities Y/n, you can just call me Earl Grey."

Y/n didn't want to end the coversation there but they had to put the dirty laundry in the washing machine, so instead of answering they just nodded to Earl Grey's sentence and turned to leave with the basket of dirty laundry.

Imma be honest once again, Earl Grey def felt butterflies in his stomach while conversing with Y/n, perhaps he will ask them on a date soon, but let's just hope they'll agree.


Notes: Y/n did put the dirty laundry inside the washing machine so they had some extra time to spend with Chess Choco, and boy were they delighted to have someone play Chess with them.

My hands hurt, and I still have class after this😭

But it's okay as long as my dear readers are satisfied 😔✨✨✨

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