Licorice x Fem! Reader

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This is for the Licorice simps. Have fun reading this!

Licorice was just walking through the forest looking for Mushroom cookie since he wasn't watching them and carelessly let them wander off ( even though Pom told him to watch over Mushroom while she was waiting for Dark Enchantress to wake up)

As Licorice was walking deeper through the forest while yelling Mushroom's name he heard wonderful singing from deep into the forest.

As he walked deeper in the forest, he could hear the singing closer and closer until he was at the heart of the forest.

He saw a beautiful cookie surrounded by various animals and he also saw.... Mushroom cookie!?

"Mushroom cookie! What has I and Pomegranate told you about going too far!?" Exclaimed Licorice as the other animals scrambled into the forest.

"Sorry Licorice, i lost track of time and then i found this nice lady" They said as they pointed to Y/n, Y/n was just spacing out.

"And who are you?" Asked Licorice as he sounded as if he was being sarcastic, only then did Y/n snap out of her daydream "I am Y/n, pleased to make your acquaintance." She said ever so softly, Licorice could feel his heart pounding against his chest.

"I-i'm Licorice" as he said his name he could feel as if his heart wanted to get out of his chest, " you were looking for your friend i suppose?" Y/n said as Licorice started nodding his head rapidly.

"Well, i should get going i suppose, besides it's getting dark." Y/n said as she started to get up from the ground and dusted her skirt.

"I know we only met just awhile ago but may I accompany you home? Wouldn't want such a pretty cookie to be ambushed on the way home" Licorice said as he offered Y/n his hand.

Y/n blushed at his statement as she accepted his offer with no sign of hesitation, as they were arriving Y/n's place, they could spot a figure out in the distance.

As they got closer, Licorice recognized the face as the cookie was Pomegranate, and boy, was she mad.

"LICORICE WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?! YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE BACK AT HEADQUARTERS BY 4!" Pomegranate said as she continued screaming at Licorice.

"U-um, sorry to bother but can you be a little quieter?" Asked Y/n, Pomegranate now noticed the cookie beside Licorice.

"And who are you? Licorice's girlfriend?" Pomegranate said with a hint of sarcasm, Licorice blushed at the thought of Y/n being his girlfriend.

"And also, Licorice why would you make friends with another cookie!? Your not supposed to be friends with other cookies!! What if they just want to take advantage of you!? Or what if they find out our Headquarters and get the authorities?!" Pomegranate exclaimed.

"Calm down Pomegranate, she's nice." Said Licorice while shielding Y/n, Y/n was really annoyed that Pomegranate is not letting her get in her house.

"Can't we please just settle this once and for all?" Asked Y/n a little annoyed by Pomegranate.

"Hmph, fine. But if you be late again, there will be severe consequences." Said Pomegranate as she walked back to the headquarters.

"I'm sorry i had to drag you into this, Y/n." Said Licorice sadly.

"It's alright Licorice, atleast she didn't punish you." Said Y/n unlocking the door, "I think this is where we say goodbye, goodbye Licorice, hopefully I'll see you again soon" said Y/n as she gave Licorice a kiss on the cheek then she walked inside.

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