(Platonic)Madeleine x Daughter Reader

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Bloopers for y'all to enjoy, and also don't you guys dare steal my locks! Literally expensive as Hell!

Purple Yam: *tries to barge in*

Me: haha! I've installed a stronger lock! You can't break through that!

Purple Yam: OH YEAH!? 

Purple Yam: *proceeds to break my door open*

Me: i'm starting to think i should buy a stronger door instead of locks...

Me: *proceeds to kick Purple Yam's ass outta my room, well more of him trying to hurt me but let's not get to that*

Hello my readers! That was the end of the bloopers, comment if you'd like a oneshot full of bloopers... actually, don't comment about a bloopers oneshot...

Madeleine and Espresso are married, they dated all the way back from HS.

Latte supported Espresso and even offered to become his future child's aunt, he merely thought that was an absurd idea as he was a man, but he was wrong.

Madeleine and Espresso ended up adopting a sweet little girl who they named Y/n, she was the higlight of their life.

Madeleine had to take a break from his knightly duties to take care of Espresso and Y/n, he now has it as a part time job.

He usually spends his time playing with Y/n or cuddling with Espresso, well let's just say, he couldn't have been more happier.

(Gosh, this is too wholesome why is my life not like this)

There was this one time where Y/n had gotten Madeleine to dress up like a princess and had smeared lipstick all over his lips.

Espresso came into the room and proceeded to laugh uncontrollably while taking pics of him, planning to save it as his wallpaper.

And then the school days came, Y/n had to go to school, so that day Madeleine accompanied her to school.

Ehem, he may or may not be that one dad who likes to flirt with teachers or the girls at school get flustered when they see him-

Anyway, Y/n usually gets picked on cuz she looks pretty weak, but i'm telling you, her fists pack one nasty punch.

And besides, Madeleine taught her how to use light magic, except that Espresso doesn't like light magic so he teaches Y/n how to use coffee magic once in a while.

And of course we can't forget about Y/n's chill and hot auntie, Latte.

Latte would usually take Y/n shopping whenever she visits, she'll buy Y/n whatever she wants at the mall.

She also introduced Y/n to Cream Puff, Y/n was thrilled to see Cream Puff.

They spent the entire day talking about magic.

Let's just change topic to what it's gonna be like to have Espresso and Madeleine as your gay parents.


Espresso and Madeleine are such a chaotic yet powerful couple.

(Chaotic being: they'd be on a love-hate relationship)

They'd argue about which magic is better.

(I think Mango magic is better or maybe some healer magic)

 If Madeleine attempts to steal a kiss from Espresso, Espresso would attempt to use coffee magic on him.

(Go ahead Espresso)

Madeleine usually flirts with Espresso in the morning while Y/n is watching, the couple usually shared a kiss while Y/n turns away sticking her tongue out thinking that kissing is disgusting.

(Kids are always like that when they are still children but their perspective starts changing once they become adolescents)

If Madeleine cooks breakfast, Y/n would usually end up with some burnt toasts and some charred eggs on the side with some smoked bacon.

(The bacon is the only one that doesn't smell/taste burnt or charred)

While Espresso makes such delicious breakfast that Madeleine and Y/n would be asking for more.

(Madeleine would lick the plate clean when Espresso cooks)

Y/n is lucky to have Madeleine and Espresso as her parents.

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