(Angst) Pomegranate x reader

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This is a request from Deeznutscookie 

Y/n's POV~

"Master ordered that Y/n shall be executed!" Pomegranate yelled as I was tied up to a fence, how did it come to this...? I only loved Pomegranate and told her about my feelings and she rejected me... And now Dark Enchantress thinks i'm a traitor.

"Dark Choco! Please help me!" I yelled to him on the verge of tears, he just turned his head trying not to look, "why..." i mumbled quietly while Licorice was snickering in the back with Mushroom, Mushroom didn't know what was happening.

"I only loved you Pomegranate..... and this is how you treat me!?" I yelled to her while struggling to get out of the knots that held me down, I was now sobbing uncontrollably to be betrayed by someone who I loved....

Dark Choco's POV~

Y/n loved Pomegranate deeply, yet she didn't return their feelings, I really feel sorry for them but... I can't disobey anymore orders or else i'll get executed myself...

'This is too hard to watch' I thought to myself while turning my head around the side, i have betrayed my only friend as i have betrayed my kingdom....

Licorice's POV~

Hehe... Y/n's getting executed!! It's so fun watching them sob uncontrollably in hopes that Pomegranate spares them.... HAHHAHAHAA I know Pomegranate, of course she'll be merciless!!

Pomegranate's POV~

"You pathetic cookie...." I mumbled as I watched them sob uncontrollably, why.... Just why is this so hard to watch... do I actually have feelings for them..?

Even if i did, we cannot love each other. It isn't right to love a cookie while serving Master, after all Master's needs go first....

I can feel my heart beat rapidly as i thought about them being injured..... Do I actually love them? No....I shouldn't....

I thought as i snapped back to reality as I said...

"Dark Choco, care to do the honors?"

Dark choco's POV~

M-me? I thought as I slowly walked over to the place where Y/n was tied up, 'I'm sorry, friend....' I thought as I did the job..... I could have never forgave myself for killing them..... i hope you rest in peace, Y/n....

Well, that was quite short. Hope you enjoy this angst that i wrote badly.

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