Sonic x Male! Reader

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Ehem, requested by: ariesfalse

*coughs* Hi guys!! I'm still not sure why i'm not dead but looks like fate wants me alive! 

P.S, don't get any weird ideas from what i said, what I meant is that why haven't I discontinued this book sooner. Anyhow, let's get to the oneshot cuz i'm making this longer than it's supposed to-

Third person's pov

After Y/n had awoken, he was shocked to know that he had reincarnated as a COOKIE but atleast he still had his magic staff, but after some time he had gotten a house in the kingdom and had befriended a cookie named Gingerbrave.

Gingerbrave eagerly showed Y/n around the Kingdom (typical Gingerbrave). Gingerbrave also introduced Wizard, Strawberry, Chili Pepper, and Custard to Y/n. Wizard and Y/n shortly became friends because Y/n had magic.

Time skip~

Y/n had begun adventuring with the 5 cookies, he only joined for fun and because they were friends. 

There was a day when Strawberry had gone with a cold and Wizard was at home because he didn't want to go out, so it was only Y/n, Gingerbrave, Chili Pepper and Custard.

While they were adventuring some hills, a portal opened up that sucked them in and somehow, they were in an unfamiliar place.

As they were looking around trying to see where they were, they encountered Sonic and his bestfriend Tails.

Both groups were very friendly towards each other except....*coughs* Chili Pepper *coughs*.

In the end, they all became friends with each other. The end.... WAIT NO NOT YET Y/N HASN'T FALLEN INLOVE WITH SONIC YETTT....

Just kidding anywho, While Tails was trying to help them create a portal to put them back in their universe, Sonic and Y/n had went out to go on a little walk cuzzzz why not and it was a nice sunny day anyway.

Fun fact: I don't like sunny days, I like rainy days better!^^

Sonic had developed feelings for Y/n but wasn't sure if he could confess or not, he didn't want to be rejeced, but at the same time Y/n had also developed feelings  for Sonic.

Edit: Jesus Christ you two, just kiss already!!

"Um...heh, this walk is quite awkward..." Sonic finally spoke up, Y/n nodded indicating that he also felt this 'walk' was quite awkward.

Sonic sighed before finally confessing and hoped to not get rejected by Y/n, but Y/n thankfully accepted? Just bear with me, i forgot the word😅

The two had shared a kiss before walking back to Tails' laboratory, but as it turns out. Tails had managed to make a portal that could take them back home.

But that would mean Y/n would sadly have to go as well, Y/n didn't really want to go back home as he's found his one true love.( Ehem, this is quite cheesy and i know)

Y/n decided that he wouldn't go back home, instead he would stay with Sonic for decades to come, fortunately Gingerbrave agreed but that would mean a long explanation to Strawberry and Wizard of how they even ended up in another universe.


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